Chapter 1: Ron A.K.A Weasley Boy

Start from the beginning

I looked at my watch and saw that I was already late for class. All thanks to you, Weasley boy. I'll read again later.

I ran quickly and when I got there, I readied myself for Miss Daistar's punishment for only being two minutes late.

I peak at the small window to see what they're doing, Miss Daistar is speaking. I knocked three times at the door and open it.

"Good Morning Miss, I am truly sorry that I am late. There was—" I tried to explain why I was late but she interrupted me. 

"Save your excuses Miss Cohen. I'm pretty sure they aren't reasonable enough."  I nodded, quickly agreeing with her. 

I learned at my freshmen year that talking back to your teacher or not agreeing with them is like a major violation. Not a legit violation or law however talking back to a teacher or disagreeing will only make the situation worse. 

After nodding, I quickly made my way toward my seat, which was at the very back, in the corner. 

Miss Daistar teaches AP Biology. One of the three subjects I get As. I'll summarize what happened here because it'll probably only bore you to death. Miss Daistar talked about glowing fishes and I was the only one who was ecstatic about the topic and was the only one who was taking notes. I made a mental note to myself that I need ask her if it's possible to make any fish glow with the right chemicals before the week ends. When the bell rang, she dismissed the class and I started to walk with my book stuck in my face again.

Finally done with my morning classes. Ahh, a thirty minute break at last.

I sat on an empty table in the cafeteria near the window and pulled out an apple, a peanut butter sandwich and a juice box in my bag. I reached for my MP3 player too and my earphones. I plugged it in my ears and accustomed the songs into shuffle mode. I laid my book on the table and started to bite my apple.

The song plays and I listened and chew while I read.

I'm the man who murdered love
Yeah! What do you think to that?

Then suddenly someone tapped my shoulder out of nowhere so I shrieked. I didn't mean to. Nobody ever disturbed me so this never happened before. I removed my earphones and looked at my back. 

It's the Weasley boy again.

"Hi Mary!" Weasley boy said, the humor in his voice is evident.

"It's Gwen." Thank the Angel I didn't stutter. "I know. What are you doing?"

"Talking to..." I was about to say Weasley but I didn't want to let him know that I call him Weasley boy.
"Talking to..." I repeated again, trying to remember if he even told me his name.

"Ron." Ron a.k.a. Weasley boy tells me. 

Wasn't that a big coincidence? I smiled at myself. 

"I'm currently talking to Ron."

"Before I got here." He clarified.

Before you got here? I was reading, of course. No way should I waste my time for something not that important. Like what I'm doing right now. 

"As you see, before you invaded my personal space. I was reading." I gestured to my book. "Now, I would like to stop talking to you and get back to my reading." I snapped at him. 

Sure it was rude but I was only being honest. I would rather finish a chapter than talk to Weasley boy. 

I was about to plug in my earphones but Weasley boy stopped me. 

"You hurt my feelings Mary."

"Again, it's Gwen." I corrected him for the fourth time today.

"I perfectly know that." Weasley boy reassured me. 

He was going to say something but one of his friends — I'm guessing that's Weasley boy's friend — with  deep violet-blue eyes and black hair that falls in his eyes called him.

I'm going to nickname him Herondale. Because his look reminded me of Will Herondale from the trilogy, The Infernal Devices of the bestselling Cassandra Clare. And look at that, from one look at him, he has this kind of aura that consists mysteriousness and grumpiness. Exactly like Will.

"Your friend is calling you. I guess I'll go back to reading." 

He didn't stop me now and let me be. Before I got back to reading, I looked at my watch first to see how many minutes left and thankfully I still have fifteen minutes. That's enough for me.

After all my classes, it's finally time to go home. Since my mom borrowed my car — that caused me to ride the bus this morning — she will fetch me at school. I didn't really mind as long as I don't walk now that the school bus has left. She told me that she'll be at school four sharp and sit outside to wait.

Seeing it's only 3:42, I opened my book to read and wait.

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