"Twenty seventeen"

I stuffed my hand in my mouth and bit down on it to distract myself. Six years. It's been six years. And I didn't remember half of it, if not more.

I was fourteen when I left, and it was twenty ten, the last thing I remembered from that was me going to sleep one december night. I figured it was december because it was colder then usual and it was the first time I saw snow falling in my life.

If it's twenty seventeen, I'll turn twenty one this year. I was born in nineteen ninty six on the twenty seven of november.

"Alexandra?" Alpha Harris's voice cut my thoughts short.

"Yes?" My gaze found his in a split second.

"I feel like you have so many questions" he said even though he looked like he was going to say something else.

"How ? How did you take her? It's not possible" He couldn't disagree, it was not possible the beast is part of your soul and nobody has a right to touch another's soul. They can't remove her from me with surgery, she's part of me they shouldn't have been able to separate us. If she dies I die. If I die she dies.

"It's possible if you have a witch and willingly given blood that's connected to the beast" he explained with a sad smile.

I knew that he was walking o eggshells around me but I didn't stop him,usually I would be mad if somebody thought I was fragile. But at the moment I was emotionally unstable.

"Witches are greedy people, they won't help you unless you give them something in return" I frowned at him, remebering my encouter with a witch a few weeks after I left my pack.

"You're correct, but I wasn't the one to ask her help, she offered it"

"Why would a witch do that?" I cringed at the thought.

"She was crazy I will admit it, but you can say it was fate."

I blinked at him not understanding anything, am I slow or is he not making any sense?

"The witch mistook you for her daughter, she said that she wanted you alive and wouldn't take no for an answer" he started.

"She did try to trick us into taking you with her but we outsmarted her" he grinned proudly while I shivered when her face popped in my head. When I met her years ago, she had blue acrylic skin with yellow slits as eyes

I wondered if she followed me that day.

"Blue skin? Yellow snake eyes?" I asked knowing the answer already.

He raised his eyebrow at me and nodded slowly.

"I know who she is, I asked for her help before but it ended with her demanding that I become her daughter"realization downed on me and I jumped of the bed calculating every step in my plan.

"We have to call her back" I blurted out reaching my arms in the air.

"We're not doing that" He shook his head ending the conversation.

"She has my wolf, if she told you that my wolf is dead she's lying. I'm still alive that means that my beast is still breathing, if she was dead I wouldn't be standing talking to you" I screamed and moved my hands wildly to get my point through.

"Alexandra calm dow-" He stepped towards me in a way that made me feel crazy. He was treating me like a crazy person.

"No listen to me Alpha, she was lying to you she has my wolf" I wanted my wolf back and I was ready to do everything to get her back.

He shook his head at me and took a few steps closer. He doesn't believe me. Nobody ever did.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled it towards me.

"You feel that don't you?" I said refering to the tingles, he nodded and I continued. "You wouldn't have felt that if my wolf was gone, I wouldn't be standing here in front of you and if my wolf was dead your beast would know and he wouldn't be calm in that mind of yours, he would be tearing it to shreds"

All the facts were laid out in front of his eyes and he still refused to believe me.

I let go of him and climbed on the white bed. I was on the verge of tears and he doesn't believe me.

"I think you should get some rest" he mumbled and left me alone with my thoughts.

He thinks I'm crazy.

There's got to be a way to contact her. I knew that she was lying. It was obvious.

I looked around the room feeling something out of place. I saw a small blue rock on side of my bed. She knew I was looking for her. She was watching me.

I crawled over to the rock and held it in my hand hoping that I won't regret it later on.

I rubbed the rock and placed it on the floor. Carefully I stepped away from it and I waited.

A few seconds later her cackeling filled the room, and I swallowed hard looking at the visible energy around her.

Her skin looked bluer then I remebered and she looked at me with yellow eyes.

"My child I waited long for you" She said in what was supposed to be a loving voice.

I can imagine Alex running in the woods away from this mad witch while the women chased after her in what could be a wild goose chase.

Did you know that your neighbours will never complain that your book is too loud?

You should read kids it's good for your soul.

(And peace for my ears)

Back to the crazy ass witch we have, what do you think ?

I hope you like it


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