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(i forgot to re add sarah here shut up we're gonna pretend i didn't forget)

dack jouglass: hey,,,,,wanna buy some illegal memes,,,,

lynn rifle: hell yeah

erin!: stop selling illegal memes instead of getting a real job

dack jouglass: WOW

dack jouglass: IM OFFENDED

ryro ross: /AIRHORNS

beebo urine: /VIOLENT OOOHING

my nudes leaked wentz: can we go over everyones pronouns and shit we havent talked in forever incase anyone changed their pronouns or figured out they were a different sexuality

gee way: yes ur fave trans girl will start im gee she/her and graysexual biromantic

mikey h*cking way: mikey, he/him, bisexual

dallon weekend: dallon, he/him, bisexual

mikey h*cking way: omg we're like TWINS

spencer shay from icarly: spencer, he/him, pansexual

my nudes leaked wentz: pete, he/him, im bisexxy <3 xD

spencer shay from icarly: END UR LIFE

hayley williams!!: hayley, trans girl af she/her, asexual panromantic 

tyler hoeseph: tyler, he/they, pansexual 

joshua done: joshua/josh, he/him, demi-bisexual

rian dangson: rian, he/him, graysexual biromantic

zachary: he/him, bi af

ryro ross: ryan, he/him, gay

beebo urine: brendon, he/him, gay

jack barakitten: jack, he/him, gay

alex ga(y)skarth: three gays in a row

alex ga(y)skarth: alex, they/them, androsexual 

taylor jardead: tay/taylor, she/her, pansexual

jenna mclesbian: jenna, she/her, lesbian

kellin queer: kellin, he/him mainly but any pronouns are good ((genderqueer vibes)), pansexual

victor fuentits: vic/victor, he/him, pansexual

ale(sbian)xa: alexa, she/they, lesbian

lynn rifle: lyndsey/lynn, she/her, lesbian

maxwell: max/maxwell, he/they, gay (':

sweatshirt: steven, he/him, gay

patrick tree: patrick, ya fave trans boy he/him, asexual biromantic 

andy catchey: andy, genderfluid he/they/she, demisexual demiromantic 

joe trohboy: joe, demiboy he/they, asexual androromantic 

philip: phil/philip, he/him or she/her, asexual demi-panromantic

daniel: daniel/dan, he/him, demisexual panromantic

sarah orzech-i forgot the rest: sarah!! she/her!! bisexual!!

dack jouglass: jack, he/they, asexual panromantic

erin!: your name is john


erin!: FUCK

erin!: whatever im erin she/her asexual heteroromantic 

halsey: ashley, she/her, bisexual

beebo urine: me: /is gasping at all our gay asses

ryro ross: me: /is gasping at your dick in my gay ass

maxwell: you guys have been back together for four hours have you already fucked

ryro ross: um

ryro ross: sweats

also all yall get on my ffucking nerves so i made sarah's pronouns just she/her so y'all wouldn't throw a fucking hissy fit imagine if she was a real person who idk actually used ze/zir pronouns and you completely disregarded zir? eat shit! 

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