Chapter 1

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as I opened my eyes a lock of hair fell across my face. The sun peeked through the window and hid my face from the rays. Then I remembered my dreadful day yesterday. The mass of water in my eyes expanded but I blinked it out. I got out of the springy, uncomfortable bed and my legs carried me downstairs. The stairs creaked and I opened the screeching door to the dull, dark to what I think is the kitchen. I find out that this room is not the kitchen and rather looks like a living room and I start walking the other direction. I'm not used to this orphanage yet. But you can't blame me as I have only been here a day. The noise carries me to the other room where I try to make a small entrance. I hear the noise immediately stop and I feel beady eyes on me. I look down. My hands are shaking and it feels that everyone in the room is aware of my scared movements. My head is forced to look up and I see what I expected.

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