Star Wars The Force Awakens Non Spoiler Review

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Hey guys this will be my non spoiler review of Star Wars the Force Awakens. So don't flee if you haven't seen the movie yet because there will not be any spoilers. Now, do not go and comment spoilers in the comment section, for I will delete your comment and ban you. I will be posting a spoiler review later on where you can go all out there. Now the rules are set and the non spoiler review will begin.

Now, may I start off by saying this is the movie that Star Wars Fans like myself have been waiting for. I just can't believe we get to see the Original Trilogy characters again. There are parts in the movie, that aren't even sad parts, that made me tear up. The character dialogue is on point, the acting is great and may I saw that Kylo Ren is an amazing villain. Kylo Ren is ruthless, emotional, hardcore, and just an overall badass. Finn, the character played by John Boyega, was a very interesting character. As shown in the trailers, he was a Stormtrooper who just wanted to get away from the First Order. He was a good guy, very likable and funny. I want to learn more about his character in the Episode 8. Poe, now Poe, played by Oscar Isaac seemed like one of those guys who you would just want to hang out with. He doesn't get that much screen time but I grew on him. Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, was probably my favorite character. Her personality made her likable and she was just a strong character. General Hux, was a typical bad guys who was a douche bag and don't expect much from Captain Phasma. Now onto the story itself. The story, you can tell takes a lot inspiration from the Original Trilogy, which isn't a bad thing. If you take certain story plots from the movie and compare it to the Original Trilogy, you will tell that JJ Abrams took a lot of inspiration. The movie was very well executed. The character interactions were on point. This movie was visually stunning. When watching the air battles, I got the chills. This is what a Star Wars movie should look like. There was really one small problem I had with the movie which was them sidelining a few characters. It seemed as if they had a few characters in the movie only to have them in the movie. It wasn't that big of a deal but I have to point it out. Overall, Star Wars The Force Awakens is the movie we Star Wars fans have been waiting for. There wasn't anything wrong with the movie except for the small fact that they sidelined a few characters. At times it felt as if they had some characters in there just to have them in there. It wasn't that big of a deal, it's just this is my review so I have to point it out. You will have a great time watching this movie and get teary eyed at some parts. It leaves questions still to be answered and makes me want more. Star Wars The Force Awakens has it's minor problems but every great movie has it's problems. In the end guys, I had a great time with the Force Awakens. It was fun, great, jaw dropping, and it had me emotional. You will not be disappointed. Therefore I was say that Star Wars The Force Awakens definitely is...



Have you seen the Force Awakens? And if so what did you like about the movie? Remember no spoilers in the comment section.

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