Meeting the uncle 2

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it's already been half an hour since nova left, leaving Jacob and the old man to clean up for when she gets back. Jacob and Madon were half way done with the house however reconstructing the house with new wood and furniture along with structure would take a long time without proper and professional help "Madon don't you think that you might wanna fix this house up to you know make it...-" he was cut off as he felt the wood he was standing on was shaking, then suddenly a crack appeared implying it wasn't gonna hold on much longer seconds later Jacob slowly moved to a different spot before the wood broke and fell into the dirty ground, Jacob looked at the old man who was sitting on the couch on the other side of the room from Jacob "safer" he finally said as he sighed heavily already missing Nova's presence and voice, to Jacob she was practically like a drug he HAD to take her or else he would feel the withdrawal. Madon had looked at Jacob with tired eyes "I suppose we could fix up the house or just buy another....the only problem would cost much more money to fix I mean I could possibly make the money stretch if I'm careful about it but buying a new house would cost much more then fixing" Madon stroked his chin deciding on what to choose until Jacob spoke "how about we fix the house up after all if your worried about the cost itself it would be better to fix and if you want I could help and possibly hire some men of mine I know here that still owe me favors" Jacob had looked to the old mans facial expression as Madon smiled at Jacob "that would be greatly appreciated, thank you Jacob" Madon had smiled at Jacob strangely enough making Jacob somewhat more proud of himself and making him feel easy
"I'll tel nova of our choice then and I'm sure nova will be more then glad to help as well, I mean knowing her she will wanna help you as much as she can" Jacob smiled as the whole house was done being cleaned, even if he did most of the work Jacob did not mind especially since the old man would not be able to do much work


"Please come again miss nova and thank you for watching the shop!" The women smiled at nova "no problem however if anyone ask I was not here and if you need me, if any trouble were to happen to you all you have to do is run to my uncle Madon's you know where he lives?" "Why yes actually! He's a friend of my fathers" the women smiled as much as she could as she fiddled with her hands showing nervousness "oh? Well it seems as though we will be good friends then anyways if anything happens please do not hesitate to see me at my uncles house" nova smiled as well as she could tell something was up with her "by the way what's your name?" Nova asked as her eyebrows furrowed wanting to know the answer "my name?..oh its umm..Victoria" "well Victoria it's been a pleasure meeting you now if you will excuse me I must take my leave, farewell" nova winked at Victoria showing her playful side as Victoria instantly started blushing, nova then quickly turned her body leaving out the door and leaving Victoria to her own doings. Nova had put on her hoodie as she walked down to the market street, there weren't as many people as nova had thought there to be, nova looked around to see different stands on both side of the streets some selling accessories, common clothes and dresses, others selling fish and other sea food's and some that sold fruits and veggies just what she was looking for. Out of all the figures in the market street nova noticed a familiar feminine blonde women whose back was turned to nova, nova at a quick pace made herself down to the familiar figure only to realize that the figure was Adeline talking to the man with the fruit stand and sadly enough nova needed to retrieve some fruits from the list and hopefully Adeline wouldn't notice her however luck was not on Nova's side, as soon as nova stepped to Adeline's side Adeline's smile had grown to a frown seeing the hooded figure and realizing it was the one who wouldn't let her have her way with the man she with that night when they first met "what are you doing here you bitch?" Adeline's words were sour and disgusting to say the least "......" Nova had stayed quiet wanting to punch her face but nova decided to stuff her anger down, the market man looked down at both nova and Adeline as he scratched his head "is there anything I can-" he cut off as nova had already retrieved what she needed and payed the man full front "oh thank you and have a nice day" Adeline then placed her hands onto Nova's shoulder and tightly gripping it "so you think your better then me huh? So much that you wouldn't answer my god damn bitch!!" Nova turned her head slightly looking over her shoulder as her blue eyes met eyes with Adeline who somewhat loosened her grip on nova seeing the anger in her eyes "let go...or else" Nova's voice had became harsh and cold still angry about what she did that night "where is the tasty man who was with you huh? I sure would love to spend a night with him" that alone angered nova so much that she twisted Adeline's hands breaking it as she then grabbed her wrist pulling down her arm as she then used her knee to break the whores elbow causing her to scream in agony, sudden footsteps were heard in the distance as Templar soldiers were seen running towards nova. "Shit!" Nova had quickly released Adeline and used the grappling hook to shoot up towards the roof of a nearby building as it pulled her up quickly and out of sight "to close" nova had sighed as she lifted herself up onto the roof with the basket unscathed and not one was missing, nova smiled  faintly as she then looked towards the sky realizing it was dark already "man how long has it been dark?" Nova then remembered about her suitor Jacob and uncle Madon that were possibly waiting for her
Moments later nova had heard a shrieking sound come not to far from her. "I can't ignore that sound.....sorry Jacob and uncle, you'll have to wait abit longer" nova jumped into the roofs, running across them trying to get closer to the shrieking sound she heard


"Where the hell is she?!" Jacob's voice had risen as anger and fear rose and boiled "she shouldn't be gone for this long! That's it im looking for her!" Before the old man could say anything Jacob had stormed right out the house as the old man followed begun and sat on a rocking chair he had recently put out on the front of the house admiring the wind and the night sky "nova will be in trouble now...May god be with you tonight dear" Madon had sighed heavily as he saw Jacob fade into the distance of the night street with the lamp
lights on.

Jacob had started walking down the empty streets of London as the night became chilly. During Jacob's anger the chilliness of the dark night did not once bother him after all he was angry and scared for nova not returning especially since it was night one of the worst times to be out on the streets "I swear...nova is gonna see a side of me that she hasn't seen before..." Jacob's emotionless facial expression was enough to scare anyone, he then scanned the rooftops as much as he could thinking he would possibly see her but alas he never saw her which worried him much more then it should of "god damn it" the streets shadows engulfed the city whole bringing the cold along with it. Seconds later Jacob felt a ting of extreme cold onto his shoulder, he looked at his shoulder seeing snow, he then looked up to the sky seeing snow fall from the sky, that gave him determination to find nova as quickly as he could knowing it would get to cold to be out and about. "Nova!!" Jacob had decided to scream as Jacob had found himself in the center of the city "NOVA!!!!!" Jacob had screamed as loud as he could but no response not even a rat scurrying through the streets, the only thing Jacob could hear was the wind whistling through the buildings.

Hours of looking for nova had Jacob to give up the search hoping she would be at the house already. Upon opening the door to the house he scanned everywhere to see if nova had made it home nothing Jacob had thought to himself as he heavily sighed and went to check if maybe Madon was home, Jacob hadn't seen him in the living room, Jacob looked up the stairs and decided to go up to his room to see if maybe he was there already asleep. While walking up the stairs and into the hallway Jacob saw the lights still on from this morning "the old man probably forgot to turn off the lights if not then he probably left them on for me and nova...goodnight old man Madon" Jacob could not smile since the absence of nova which had him worried sick. He sighed and had gone to the first door on the left of the hallway, the room had red walls with rose designs on it, the bed itself was a king size with nice white fluffy cover with two layers of thin sheets, the headboard and the rest of the frame was black, on both sides of the bed  had two mini tables made of nice a polished wood, the floor was that of carpet and to the left side of the room was a door for the bathroom.
Jacob had decided to go to bed since he was so damn tired from looking for nova the entire night "nova...I'm damn worried about you...please come back soon" Jacob hadn't noticed thy nova herself was standing at the doorway smirking as she pulled down her hood revealing her cut on her cheek and her her fish braided hair that went as long as her back, she walked up to him slowly as Jacob had taken off his robe and his undershirt revealing his tanned skin and a 'X' like scar on his back which did not phase nova one bit.  Nova had wrapped her arms around Jacob from behind surprising him as his hands reached down to Nova's and held on to it tightly "where have you been nova?!" She could tell he wanted to explode but dared not to "I had to help someone in danger which delayed me...ALOT..I'm sorry I'm just tired now love, can we sleep together snuggling tonight?" Nova's voice was low and kind as she slid her hands off of him as she turned to walk to the left side of the bed Jacob had seen the cut on her left cheek "put something for the cut on your cheek I don't want it to get infected" he went to the bathroom and had grabbed something from underneath the sink which could only be identified as rubbing alcohol and a white band-aid, he passed the alcohol and band-aid to her, she nodded grabbing it and placing it into the bed as she took off her new robes and undershirt including armor, her upper body was naked in front of Jacob as he turned his head giving her privacy, nova had then turned her head to see the closet and opened the door finding a short white night gown with thin straps, she had grabbed the nightgown and pulled it on as she the untied her boots and threw off her baggy pants throwing them to the side, nova walked to the bed and sat down. She had put on the band-aid which hurt abit as it stung but none the less she lied down in the bed and covered herself with the fluffy covers, nova could feel Jacob jump onto the bed and wrap his arms around Nova's waist holding her closely not wanting to let go as the both of them had instantly became warm under the cover and the body heat made them inseparable "goodnight love I'll tell you everything tomorrow I promise" "alright nova, goodnight" they both in a matter of seconds had fall asleep together

Next chapter will be made tomorrow (not sure at what time but it will be made)

The young assassin: NovaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora