Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Alice's POV

"Born This Way" was playing loudly when I woke up. "Huh? I thought. "Where am I?" I squinted from the sunlight. It took me a moment to realise I was on my bedroom floor and, according to Lady Gaga, it was time to wake up. I remembered waking up in the night...and that dream I had... No! I musn't think about that. I pulled myself up using the side of my bed and turned off the phone alarm. I peered up at my calendar on the wall. It was Thursday. Great. My favourite day of the week.

I got ready for school and Mum drove me there again. My legs seemed to ache an awful lot more than usual and I guessed it must be from falling out of bed last night. Mum slowed the car to a stop as we arrived at the school car park. I was about to get out when she cried "Wait!" I froze. "I'll help you." I let out a sigh of relief, I'd thought something was wrong.

As she helped me out, Mum said "You can come see Josh after school today if you want sweetie." I stopped for a minute. Josh? Who was Josh? "My...boyfriend, y'know?" Mum stated as if she could read my mind.

"Urmmm okay then" I smiled. How could I have forgotten? Never mind. I waved goodbye to Mum thenm went over to Georgina and the other girls who were waiting for me. "Hey" I said.

Georgina pulled me into a hug and replied with an enthusiastic "Hey!" The group shuffled towards the school and we lined up for registration. I told Georgina about seeing my mum's boyfriend and she said it would be great for me and that he might actually be quite nice. Somehow, I doubted that... 

Harry walked past us and waved, not directly looking at me. I smiled anyway. But he saw me and it was as if he was scared or something. He dropped his hand immediately and ran off before I could even say anything. Weird. I hadn't seen Mandy around anywhere so guessed she wasn't in. I started to wonder why...then stopped myself. I didn't care about her, right? She was going out with my crush and accused me of spreading rumours that weren't true. What kind of best friend was she?! Anyway, I had Georgina now.

As the day dragged on, I definitely knew why I hated Thursdays. All my least favourite lessons were clumped together on one day. When I finally got a break, that was boring too. I was so glad when the clock struck 3 and I could be out of there! "Alice!" I heard someone call from behind. I turned to see it was Harry.

"Oh, hi" I said and moved in the direction of the car park. My mum was waiting there for me.

"Do you have time to talk?" he asked nervously.

"Not really, I have to go. Mum is waiting in the car." I replied. I made another move away from him. "Goodb-"

"It's really important." Harry interrupted.

"Look, just tell me tomorrow, okay?" I said bluntly.

"Urmmm...okay." he sighed reluctantly. "Goodbye Alice." I was already gone.

Harry's POV

I'd blown it! Big time! I should have told her at break or lunch time when she'd have time to listen. I had to tell her how I felt...that I'd dumped Mandy...that I felt the same way she did. But I wasn't so sure she did now. I sighed and started to walk home. What could I do? I wished that she would understand. I wished that she could find those deep feelings she expressed for me and bring them back...

I saw Alice zoom past in her Mum's car. She was looking out of the window, in a daydream. I musn't lose hope. Maybe she did still feel that way! Tomorrow is another day, maybe I can tell her then. But for now, all I can do is dream.

Alice's POV

I guess I was a bit harsh to Harry. I was just in a hurry and didn't want to stay in school any longer than I needed to. Plus I had to go see my Mum's boyfriend who could potentially be a step-dad. Wow, that sounded weird! I wish I'd stayed to hear what was so important that I needed to be told right then and there. Now, I feared, I'd never know...

Mum's POV

I was more than a little nervous when we pulled up to Josh's house. I didn't know how Alice would react and hoped she would like him. He may seem a bit...familiar but hopefully she won't recognise him. Well, here goes...

Alice's POV

We walked up to Josh's house and I wondered what he would look like (ugly, alright or good looking?) and what his personality would be (funny, nice or weird?). But when the door swung open and Josh was revealed, nothing prepared me for what I saw... 


Cliffhanger! So, how did you like this chapter? I promise you the next chapter will be more exciting and longer. Who do you all this Josh is then? Her mum says he might be familiar so I need some guesses.

Thanks for reading

Emily x

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