Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Mandy's POV

The look on her face said it all. She'd seen me kiss Harry. I knew I shouldn't have done it out in the open, I was going to tell her we were going out as soon as all this was over and we were back being proper friends again. I told her I'd dumped Alex which was true...but I had done it days ago. I feel like a criminal now, keeping it from her. *Alice starts crying* I think I better go away now. I've done enough damage.

Alice's POV

No matter what Mandy said, nothing could make me forgive her for what she'd done. I'd fancied Harry for ages... and she goes and steals him away from me. I don't believe her! Well he wasn't technically mine but y'know... I couldn't stop myself, I cried. Again. Why do I have to keep crying? It doesn't make me feel any better at all. Oh, Harry's trying to talk to me. What? Like I want to to talk to you!

Harry's POV

I tried to console her, but it was no use. I didn't want her to hate me. After everything that's happened, its terrible her finding out now... I do love Mandy, but I hate that its hurting Alice like this. I had a feeling that she still fancied me and hoped she'd forget about me so that I could go out with Mandy. I just don't know what to do...

Alice's POV

"Go away! All of you!" I screamed, my voice wavering. "I don't want t..." The bell interrupted my speech. "I don't want to talk to anybody!" Someone tried to stop me before I marched off but I barged past them and went to reception. No way was I staying at school now, I would try my hardest to persuade the receptionist I was ill so they would send me home.Wouldn't be that hard with the state I was in. Sure enough, she took one look at me, asked my name and called my mum. I sat down in one of the chairs where I was out of sight and lay my head in my hands.

This was such a shock to me and I couldn't get my head round why Harry would do this, let alone Mandy! Sighing, I looked up in time to see my mum come through the door worried. "Al? What's up? I better get you home!" she said to me. I managed to mumble something about a really bad headache and tummy ache. We walked towards the car and mum drove me home, asking lots of questions like "When did you start feeling sick?" or "Are you on your period?" and I tried to answer them all without crying.

When we finally got home, I ran up to my room, chucked on my pyjamas and climbed into bed. Right now, all I wanted to do was sleep and forget about the world. Tossing and turning I found myself drifting off to sleep. The last thing I needed was another dream to mess with my mind, but it came...

* Alice's Dream *

Harry and Mandy were sat together on the school field, laughing. Mandy looked up and saw me, then looked away. Harry saw and there was a look of guilt in his eyes. He gave Mandy a quick kiss on the cheek and got up, walking away. Puzzled, I followed him. Harry continued to walk away from me and I continued to follow. Suddenly, he swiveled round and said to me: "Alice, I love Mandy but I love you more. I'm sorry you had to go through all this and I know how much you like me. So will you go out with me?".  "Of course I will" I said sweetly. And without another word, I kissed him on the lips. My heart was beating at a million miles an hour and fireworks were exploding in my head. Harry reluctantly pulled away and ran away from me. "Harry? Harry! HARRY?" I shouted.

I woke up. Yet again, two lone tears had fallen from my eyes...

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