Chapter 2

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So sorry this has taken ages to put up but I have been very busy and haven't had much spare time to do this in. Hope you enjoy it and please like/ comment. Thanks :) Emily x


Chapter 2

It was the day of the exam. I quickly changed out of my jeans and top into my school uniform, making sure I had my calculator, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, protractor.... yes, I had everything. I rushed down the stairs, gave my mum a quick hug, grabbed some toast and I was out, ready to start the walk to school.

"That was close!" I thought as I walked. I usually knocked for Sophie on my way to school so by now I was already with her. "So.... how come you look like you almost had a heart attack?" Sophie asked. She'd noticed then.

"Fell asleep revising and woke up about ten minutes ago" I replied.

"Oh my gosh, really? That's not good..." she said as we went to registration.

"I know, I just hope I'll do ok." I said. I had my exam first thing so, after being registered, I went straight to the coutyard. Among the crowd, I saw Harry. Seeing him made me shiver all over and butterflies were forming in my stomach. "Hey, how d'you think you'll do? I'm screwed, I hardly revised at all!" Harry joked.

"Hey, course you'll do fine. You breeze through exams and tests. Me on the other hand...." I laughed nervously. Mr Harris was starting to call out seat rows and numbers so we had to shut up. "Wish me luck" I whispered to Harry.

"Don't worry, you'll do great" he whispered back. Just then, my name was called out and I walked into the sports hall. After Harry had said that, I felt as confident as ever. This exam was going to be a piece of cake!

And it was. Apart from a few questions, the exam went well! I was so happy. Making my way to break, I caught sight of Mandy. "Mandy!" I yelled.

"Oh, hey Alice!" she said, running towards me. We walked onto the field, chatting about silly little things, laughing and joking. But as soon as Mandy saw Alex, she sprinted away from me. "Charming" I thought. But I was used to this so I walked over to where the rest of my friends were standing.

Soon, it was time to go back to lessons, I had English. I called over Mandy so we could walk together and she brought Alex with her, they were so in love and you could tell. Her hand was wrapped tightly around his and they were smiling away. Not that I was jealous or anything, sometimes it just got to me that I was alone...

As we walked, Alex's gaze turned away from Mandy for a second to look at me. He looked at me like I was an intruder, about to burgle his house and take everything that is precious to him. It hurt and the sharp sensation of tears started to form in my eyes. Quickly, I swallowed them down. I didn't want him to see me cry so I glared back at him with the same intense look but he was already giving all his attention to Mandy.

English was very boring and I managed to get through the lesson without many problems. However, lunch was a very different story... I started off just hanging around with everyone like I usually do when Mandy rushed towards me, seized my arm and dragged me away from the group. "Let me go!" I protested.

"Listen you bitch! I don't know what you think you're doing but you've just put yourself into a very sticky situation and you better explain yourself before I slap you so hard..." she screamed at me.

"What have I done? I've done nothing to you, I don't understand!" I cried, shocked.

"Don't play dumb with me! You spread that rumour about me and Alex didn't you?" Mandy roared.

"No! I would never do a thing like that!" I shouted.

"I've had enough of you! Shut up and never come near me again! It's for your own good." she shouted back.

"Wait! You haven't even heard my side of the story..." I called out to her as she stormed off towards Alex. No doubt she'd have the whole school against me by tomorrow. I was well and truly screwed. I hadn't spread that rumour, whatever it was, and hadn't done anything! Sighing to myself, I let a single tear roll slowly down my cheek. It was soon followed by one, two, three, four others, and soon I was sobbing, left defenceless and helpless. The bell rang out for the end of lunch...

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