Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It had taken a while, but I could finally walk using crutches and I was able to go back to school. I was overjoyed to get out of the house and see people! I got ready that morning then mum drove me there so I didn't waste all my energy walking with the crutches. When we got there, I sighed with relief. A hoarde of people were rushing towards me screaming "Alice! I missed you!" and other various calls. I smiled sweetly at the crowd but tried to hobble away from them because I didn't want too much attention.

I found Sophie and a few others waiting a bit further on. They waved me over. "Hey, how you been?" Sophie asked.

"Mostly bad, but I'm alright now." I replied, trying to smile. They didn't know about my parent's divorce yet, all they knew about was the accident and Harry and Mandy. Of course I'd been thinking about that text Harry sent loads and just couldn't understand what he meant by thinking about me a lot. Does that mean he like me back... or was he just worried about me...?

"Awww don't worry" Georgina soothed. I haven't metioned her before, but she was more of a secondary friend, not a best friend, but still there for me.

"Look, you guys, I need to tell you something. My parents are getting a divorce." I said sadly. At once they all came to hug me and in amongst the big ball of people, someone muttered...

"What are we going to do with you, eh?" I giggled and pulled myself out of the hug the best I could just in time to see Mandy and Harry walking towards the school. Harry looked back at me for a second and I thought for a minute he was going to come over. But Mandy grabbed his hand and tugged him away. He looked back again and he seemed... I don't know, reluctant to go. The way he looked at me was like... No, I musn't jump to conclusions. Of course he didn't like me.

"How did this happen then?" Georgina asked me, worried.

"Huh?" I said confused. I was daydreaming again. I tried to snap myself back into reality.

"Your parents are getting a divorce. You just said." she said patiently.

"Oh, right, well I dunno... They were arguing a lot, and my mum is seeing someone else." I told her. "I haven't seen her new 'boyfriend' yet."

"Well, I'm here for you when you wanna talk okay? My parents are divorced and it's honestly not that bad when you're used to it. Sometimes I hardly ever see my dad, but when I do it's always great." Georgina smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled back. She was being really nice to me. I was so glad to have a real friend I could talk with! The bell rang meaning it was time to go in. "We better get in, before we're late." I said. The group ran off but Georgina stayed with me to keep me company as I couldn't exactly run. Where was this coming from? I thought I might have to upgrade her to a best friend soon. Not just yet though.

The first lesson of the day was English. Great! I was way behind on everything and had to copy Tom's notes and annotations. He was nice to me like he was when the rumour thing happened but I couldn't help but notice the notes he had, or the LACK of notes, weren't very... urmmm... good. "Never mind" I thought.

Breaktime was very dull as I basically had to sit around doing nothing. I talked with Georgina and it made me feel a little better about the divorce. I even showed her the text from Harry and she whispered "He likes you!" excitedly. I wasn't convinced yet. Mandy was giving me evils so I guess she might have looked at Harry's phone...Perhaps she suspects he likes me...This was so confusing!

Harry's POV

I was glad to see Alice back at school and well, here's the thing. I think I like her. I mean, I like Mandy too but... That text she sent me confirmed her feelings for me and it kind of made me think that maybe I felt something. I had actually considered dumping Mandy at one point. She was so protective over me and had been in a really bad mood recently. It was getting on my nerves and when I talked about Alice, she practically looked ready to shoot me.

I'd decided, I WAS going to dump Mandy. I hadn't felt the same way as I had when we were first going out. Now I just had to decide about my feelings for Alice. That's if she hasn't given up on me.

Alice's POV

I went home a happy girl. I had gained a good friend (possibly best) and had caught up with most things at school so I didn't have to worry about anything like that. After dinner and watching a bit of TV I was exhausted. So, I hugged my mum, said goodnight and went up to bed. I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

* Alice's Dream *

I was lying on the school field, relaxing in the bright sunlight. I didn't care if I was going to get burnt, it was warm and I was feeling good. I looked up to see Harry was standing near me awkwardly. "Um, are you ok?" I asked, sitting up. He opened his mouth to speak, then decided against it and sat down beside me. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever, then...

"I love you." he said suddenly. I swiveled my head around to see him looking straight at me. His eyes were boring into mine and it was as if he was hypnotising me. Before I had the chance to speak, he closed his eyes and his lips pressed aginst mine. He kissed me like the world was going to end if he didn't. I kissed him back equally as passionately. I broke the kiss and managed to speak.

"I love you too." Harry's face lit up and he kissed me agin, softer though. My heart was beating at a million miles an hour and the sun was still shining brightly in the sky. Pulling myself away from Harry, I wandered off and found a patch of the field in the shade. Plonking myself down, I lay flat on the grass closed my eyes.

I felt myself being picked up and, without thinking, kept my eyes closed, assuming it was Harry. but, once again, I was floating, being pulled up higher and higher into the sky. I opened my eyes with a start and realised I was in an enormous bubble. I reached out and...POP! The bubble burst. I was falling...falling...falling...

I woke up and not a single tear had fallen, my eyes were dry. I knocked myself over the head. "Stop thinking about Harry!" I screamed at myself. I got myself out of bed but I had forgotten about my legs, so I collapsed in a heap on the floor, angry at myself and my life. "Why is life so unfair?" I whispered to myself, curling up into a ball and tears brimming in my eyes.

Mandy's POV

I knew he would do it. I knew it would happen. It was obvious, stupid Alice, ruining my life... Now I'm left single with just a few friends to help me. He dumped me because apparently it wasn't working. I know the real reason - you love pathetic little Alice who got run over so now everyone feels sorry for her. Don't you Harry? You do don't you?! Well, I've had enough. You can forget this. I'm leaving that school so I never have to deal with any of them ever again.

A tear escaped from my eye. I harshly wiped it away. There is no way I was going to cry over him. No way at all...


Thanks everyone for reading! So what do you think? Hope you liked this chapter I personally can't wait to write the next one as I know whats coming...Hehe, now I've got you wondering what will happen!

Thanks again,

Emily x

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