Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: Paramount Studios and the estate of Gene Roddenberry own copyright of all things Star Trek. The original plot is my own as are any characters created specifically for this story. 

Will Riker had by now joined the increasingly large group in Colonel Kira's office. He voiced the question on everyone's minds. Everyone, but Picard's that is, 

'Where did the Cardassians get the Archon? It couldn't have been from Beta III. It's clear to hell and gone over the other side of the Federation. It would take them days, even at maximum warp to get there. And a Daedalus class ship could never maintain that kind of speed for any length of time anyway!' 

'I would assume that the Cardassians, if indeed it is they who have control of the vessel and that still has not been absolutely proven, have upgraded the engineering systems to current standards.' 

'Yes, but even so. Cardassian technology in significantly lower than ours and.. But we're missing something. Data didn't you say that the Archon was destroyed?' 

'No sir, I said believed destroyed. In 2167 by the computer Landru. There is an important difference..' 

'Of course', broke in Picard, fearing another onslaught of information from the golden skinned android, 'besides Number One, the facts speak for themselves. Our instrument readings all confirm that the vessel was the U.S.S. Archon, Daedalus class starship. 

Question. How did the Cardassians get their hands on it?' 

'Maybe via the Yriddians again. Or blind luck. Or any number of sources who might have informed them of the existence of a Federation starship which they could put to their own use.' Odo cut in, 'Might I suggest a course of action? That we allow Jaglom Shrek a free hand, but keep him, and his ship, under surveillance. I believe there is an old Earth saying, something along the lines of 'Give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself' which would practically do our jobs for us. He will unwittingly act as our agent and betray all his contacts.' 

'Agreed.' Picard and Kira both spoke together. They looked at each other. Kira spoke first. 'I'm sorry Captain. I've spent too long as the ranking officer on the station. Of course I defer to you, as the senior Starfleet officer present.' 

'Thank you, Colonel. But in matters internal to DS9 I want you to remain in charge. Only in overall strategic decisions, or while onboard the Enterprise, would I expect to have sole command.' He smiled. 'Thank you Captain. Odo, make it so.' Kira grinned. 

The Enterprise contingent returned to the ship.  

'Kira to Captain Picard.' Jolted out of his reverie, Picard tapped his communicator briskly, 'Picard here.' They listened intently; 'Captain, Jaglom Shrek has just requested docking clearance for DS9. I thought you would wish to be informed.' Riker's eyes narrowed. 'Yes, thank you Colonel. I'm on my way.' Picard stood, and pulled his uniform tunic down at the hem, in the manner that had become habit to him. 

'Come on Will, the game's afoot, as Mr. Data would say.' He turned to leave. 'Or Sherlock Holmes', replied Riker grinning. 'Yes', Picard eyed him thoughtfully. Then turned on his heel and left the room. He entered the turbolift and commanded, 'Deck Six.' 

They exited the turbolift as it stopped and made their way swiftly to Transporter Room Three. Along the way Picard acknowledged the nods of the crew that they passed. Although salutes were now long outmoded, it was a mark of respect to the commanding officer, in recognition of his rank. 

They reached the transporter room, and mounted the pedestal. 'Operations Centre, DS9, Ensign.' Picard commanded, 'Energize'. 


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