Remember Our Plan

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Hi guys! I hope you are having a great day! So I'm moving just this one event around because the fire festival is the perfect place for Aya's start. After this, it should continue where Team Avatar go to Omashu, and then follow in order from there.



I raced through the crowds of people, bumping into a few as I tried to lose the guard on my tail. I giggled to myself as I slipped the goods in a pouch underneath my cloak.

That was too easy! I swear these guards get stupider by the day.

 I stole quite a bit today. I had gotten away with three fat salmon-kois, some leechee nuts, and a couple of apples. Overall, it was a really good catch, considering tonight is the annual Fire Festival. There will be people and vendors everywhere, making it easier to stock up on essentials. 

Shoa should also be in town. Supposedly she and the Firelord's daughter and friends should be staying in a small house on the edge of town for the Fire Festival. It's bound to be incredibly guarded, but I've been preparing for something like this. 

I finally passed the tree line to the forestry area, and sighed in relief. The guards had long since stopped following me, so I skipped along the trail towards home. I had refurbished it slightly in the last few months, after I moved from my old spot. 

Well, it's kind of hard to refurbish a tree, but it's something at least.

The tree was rather tall with big branches to support me, and thick, draping leaves that hid me from view. It was easy to find belts to tie my belongings, traps, and myself when I'm sleeping to the branches so nothing could fall out. 

I unfastened the cloak and set it aside. I gently took out the salmon from my pouch, skewering it on some pointy sticks I had found, and I began to start a fire.


The fish were finally grilled and cooling off, and the sun had started to get lower in the sky.

I sat on the highest branch, letting my feet dangle below me.

I grabbed one of the sticks holding the fish and I took a bite. I practically melted at the taste.

I think I could totally be a chef. Who knows? That would be a better life than being a thief.

If only Shoa was here to taste them too. They were always her favorite.

Shoa, my best friend, was captured by fire nation guards when I was only eleven. Unexpectedly, she was alive and well. In fact, she was best friends with the princess of the fire nation. 

Of course, she was probably being held against her will. She has to have been pretending to be their friend to escape. There was no way she couldn't. 

When she was taken, I hadn't lost hope. I had searched everywhere for her with no luck, but now I might just be able to finally save her. 

Luckily, the house where she and her "friends" were was close by. Shoa has to be there if she and the princess are here for the Fire Festival.

I leaned back and twisted my body downward. The belt held my legs tight, but it let me lean down to grab my cloak. I pulled it over my shoulders.  It still fastened well, but there was a loose strand on one of the cuffs. I tucked it back in, not wanting to unravel or make a hole in the worn cloak.

I pulled out the wooden bead necklace I had had since my mother gave it to me. It had three intricately carved swirls to represent my ancestry. I usually kept it hidden, but now it would help Shoa know it was me, in case we lose each other in the crowd when we enact our plan.

I released the clasp on the belt and jumped down out of the tree, bending an air current between the ground and my feet to soften the fall. I fixed the cloak to cover my hair, or else it'd be a dead give away. Bright red hair does not help when trying to run from guards in a town full of people with mostly brown/black hair. I sprinted through the woods, racing towards the small house where Shoa would be.


*3rd Person POV*

Soon enough, Aya reached the treeline that opened up to the small Fire Nation house where Shoa might be. It was well guarded, with two guards for every side of the house. 

Aya kept behind the trees, ducking and moving carefully to avoid being spotted by any of the guards. She snuck around the backside of the house where one of the balconies were. That was her ticket in. 

Aya knew she wouldn't have much time until Shoa had to leave for the festival with the princess and her friends. But she was worried about getting caught, especially since these weren't just normal guards. She started to hype herself up, not wanting to chicken out now. She couldn't.

Suddenly, Aya saw a girl with familiar long black hair peer out of one of the windows that was attached to the balcony. The girl looked around before opening the window and stepping out a sigh.

"That's much better," the girl said quietly.

"Shoa! Are you done getting dressed yet?" A voice called out, and Shoa turned away, walking back inside. Aya trembled in excitement, trying not to cry. 

It was Shoa. While she looked taller, older, and had long black hair half done up with the fire nation headpiece, it was her, no doubt. She had to know Aya was coming, why else would she look cautious when opening the window? 

Aya knew she could climb the walls to get to her balcony, very easily. However, the problem lay in the two guards standing near. They would surely see her, even with the sun setting. 

She quickly thought up a plan, and picked up a few rocks near her feet. She threw some of them with the utmost precision towards the first guard, and quickly moved and threw more at the second guard. 

With no hesitation, the guards charged towards the forest, but she hid within a bush out of sight, and smirked as they passed her to investigate. Once she was sure they were turned away, she quietly snuck out, and ran to the house. She scaled it easily, using her airbending to help push her up onto the balcony.

Shoa, was softly humming as she adjusted her outfit in the mirror. Whoever had been talking to her wasn't in the room anymore. 

Aya finally crept in the room, closing the door with a small 'click' behind her. Shoa immediately looked at her in the mirror. She whipped around and held up her fists, lighting one of them on fire.

"Who are you? How did you get in my room? You better answer me quickly before I burn you to ashes." She growled angrily, and Aya tried not to laugh. Of course, Shoa was still as prickly as an armadillo-lion. 

"Shoa," Aya breathed out, almost in disbelief. She slowly took off her hood. Shoa gasped in surprise, hesitantly lowering her hands and extinguishing the flames.

"Aya? Is that really you?" Shoa asked, confused, but delighted nonetheless. 

Tears formed in Aya's eyes and she launched herself towards Shoa, engulfing her in a long-awaited hug that Shoa quickly returned.

"Spirits, I've missed you so much, Shoa! You don't know how long I've been searching for you!"

"I've missed you too Aya! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Well, now you won't have to worry about that ever again!" Aya pulled back from the hug to look at her sister. Tears were streaming down her face, but she wore the happiest smile on her face. 

"I'm here to rescue you!"

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