2. Revival

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I stared at the map spread out across a table. My eyes wandered around it's perimeter, reassuring myself there was no possible flaws in our defense.

Gunshots split the usually still air just outside of my window. Lee's feeble attempt to breech our walls was pointless. Unfortunately for him, arrogance wasn't going to win fights. Instead of planning out an attack and going for the weaker sections of our walls, he focused all his fire at one point, making things way too easy on our side.

I smirked to myself as I turned to view the sad excuse for an attack. My guards simply stood on top of the walls and pressed back the intruders further and further into the woods. Lee's "raids" were almost amusing for me since they gave my men a bit of target practice.

"Luke, sir."

I turned around, focusing my gaze on the source of the voice. I hadn't even realized the guy had come in. A bit of sweat formed on the his brow, but a triumph sparkle lit up his eyes.

"Lee called for a retreat...again. They're running." He announced.

What a pathetic coward. Lee was one of the many haven leaders that have attempted to penetrate ours.

He also failed every single time.

"Of course." I chuckled. "Double the watch tonight, please. And send my thanks to the guard."

The man smiled and nodded his head. "Calum also wanted to speak to you. Do I send him up?"


He nodded once more before leaving. I sighed as the door shut behind him. My mind always seemed to be so scattered, now. I'm so tired.

Tired of losing people. Tired of drowning in stress day after day. All we do is fight, and for what? Watching your friends and family be torn apart by monsters was far worse than living.

But now I'm a leader to these people. 300 strong look up to me as if I can protect them from the world when I wasn't even sure if I could protect myself.

Fire and disease claim the living every day, and I wear the burden of keeping it away.

I walk around the camp each morning, meeting hopeful stares and giving false words of reassurance. It was painful to see the young grow up in hell while the population of the elderly becomes thin. No one was going to grow old in this life.

My uncle was a great example. I'd like to say he was fearless and led our haven with undeniable courage. But he had one invincible enemy that couldn't be killed by bullets; Time.

Human's immune systems grow weaker as we become older. So contracting the disease is inevitable. We're slaves to the undead, whether we want to admit it or not.

Both my parents had died in a car crash before our Earth betrayed us. I wasn't sad, though, about losing them. At least I didn't have to watch them suffer.

"Hey, Lucas." A familiar voice greeted from behind me.

"That's not my name, Calum." I rolled my eyes as he plopped down in a chair. His raven hair was swept to the side as he scooted around to get comfortable.

His dark eyes were unusually bright for someone who had lost so much.

"What do you want?" I asked, impatience threading my words.

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