Chapter 15

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I pointed to the carousel. "That one, Kian!" I ran pulling him along behind me. He stuffed cotton candy inside his mouth while being tugged along.

The line was short and we got on quickly. The carousel went up and down. I danced on the carousel when the operator was turned around. Kian sat there laughing his ass off.

The ride stopped and we went to a ride called the zipper. It was like a Ferris wheel but the carts spin you around. Kian wanted to go on but I didn't. He convinced me to and it was the least I could do.

The ride awaited me as we were next in line. I took a deep breath. My legs were shaking. "Kian..... I'm nervous." I mumbled.

He made me look him in the eye by grabbing my chin. "Don't worry. I'll hold your hand." I smiled and he grabbed my hand. I felt safer.

The operator shoved us into the small cart. Kian started rocking it and I laughed nervously as we rose higher in the air.

The ride was actually really fun.


"I had a lot of fun, Kian." I blushed as he walked me to my front door. He smiled.

"Anything for you, Bre." I gave him a hug goodbye and waved goodbye as I went into my house.

Breanna and Aislyn both attacked me with questions. I told them I had fun.

I didn't have as much as I would've with Avi though.


We invited the band over for a huge sleepover. Sam brought 5 buckets of fried chicken. I don't really know why. Breanna brought cookies. Aislyn brought drinks. Tessa brought a bunch of things to film with. We haven't filmed since our spaghetti challenge.


"3. 2. 1!" Tessa yelled.

Sam and me started to shove so many hot dogs into our mouths. Breanna and Aislyn weren't doing so hot since Aislyn didn't like meat.

Sam ate most of the hot dogs on our plate. But, our team won.

Sam and I started to sing we are the champions as we pushed Breanna and Aislyn towards the shower. Tessa followed us with a camera.

Aislyn hid in the corner of the shower shivering as Breanna just embraced the cold water.

They got out sopping wet and started to chase Sam and I. Sam and I locked ourselves in my room as Breanna and Aislyn pounded on the door.

"They're going to be out there for awhile." He laughed. I brought out a piece of paper. He smirked at me knowing what we were going to do. I grabbed a pencil and we sat down side by side on bed.

We started doodling on the piece of paper taking turns and creating a monster.

We were almost done but Sam wouldn't give me the pencil. I tackled him on my bed. We sat there laughing. The door bursted open.

There sat 2 people I never imagined to be there.

Avi and my mother.

My mother starting laughing at us. She know I didn't like Sam that way. But, avi charged off in a different direction.

Avi woke up.

He's okay.

I rolled off the bed and landed on my feet. My feet pounded and I saw Avi almost leaving the door. I jumped next to him sliding and hitting my body against the wall. My head hit pretty hard. He fell his knees and put my head in his lap. "Are you okay?" I nodded laughing. He smiled weakly.

"I've missed you so much." I whispered gazing into his green eyes.

He nodded. "Just explain yourself over dinner?"

I smiled back at him. "I would like that."

The band understood that I would be back and that I needed to catch up with Avi.

He drove me to a Mexican restaurant. We asked for a table for 2. The waitress brought us to a booth and we sat down across from another.

"Now. Explain yourself." He stated.

I took a deep breath in. "Mitch and I were nothing. It was love that happened because we both were lonely. We both agreed on it. I went to apologize to you but I walked in and read the letter..... I called for Esther and she called the ambulance. I stayed there for weeks. I missed you so much.... Today they set me up on a date. I liked it but I only like him as a friend. I think the same with him. We were hanging out at my house and we were chased. Sam and I ran into my room and I tackled him wanting the pencil. Then you came in."

Avi looked pissed. "Esther told me you didn't come see me at all. She said you knew but didn't care. She said that she found me. I can't trust her anymore."

I nodded. "Scouts honor. I speak the truth, Avriel." He laughed.

"Scouts honor? You were a Girl Scout?" He chuckled.

"Well..... No. It sounds more formal than I don't lie?" I giggled.

Avi sighed and gazed into my eyes. "It's good to have you back, Bre."

What does that mean?

Are we still 'a thing' to him?

Oh gosh, I hope he still wants us to be.

Hopefully Kian won't get into the way.... or Mitch.

Love You Long Time // a sequel | ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ