Chapter 2

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Aislyn POV
Tessa and I walked up and down the streets of town looking for new places to put up missing posters. Every time I looked at my 3 best friends on the paper my heart shatters. 6 months. They could be dead. No no, I shouldn't be thinking that way. I cleared my head.

Usually, I'm on tour with Kevin but we came back because he had important business with his band. What band? They broke up 6 months ago.

Tessa hasn't had sleep in days. She's known all of them longer than me and she's very depressed. All of her friends she made a life with *poof* disappear out of the blue. But, I'm very sad about Breanna. She and I have been friends since I moved in. We have always stuck by another even though people didn't like us being friends.

I think Leah did it. She probably threw their dead bodies in the lake. Thinking of her made me want to punch her in the face. She triggered all of this.

Tessa was yelling at me to hurry up. I ran up next to her and handed her new flyers. She taped new flyers over the old ones. Tessa really needs help. I'm worried about her. She is always worrying about them coming back.

Tessa watches the news every night and morning so she will be the first to know about any of their disappearances. She never hangs out any more, she's always trying to get more information about her friends. The only time she does hang out is when I agree to help her try to find them.

At the last street, Tessa looked back at me, tears in her eyes. "Aislyn?" She asked me. I nodded. "Do you think I'm crazy?" She broke down crying and I took her hand.

"No hunny, no! You're just worried." I reassured her. I helped her up and walked her back to my car. She has a tape of the performances and listens to them when she can. So she made me play the CD and it was the group performing. She says they may have hidden a message in the music for help.

Tessa wanted to go to Bre's house for her weekly checkup. I pulled into the house and she ran inside. She went up stairs into Bre's room. She moved things and looked in the trash. It hadn't been emptied in months. She looked at crumpled pieces of paper. I sat on the bed looking at all her posters and weird gadgets. Tessa screamed.

"Aislyn, I found something!" I ran over to her and she showed me a ticket. It was an airplane ticket to Nashville, Tennessee.

"Oh my god Tessa! You found something useful! Now we need to call the c-" She cut me off before I could say anymore.

"No Aislyn, we are going there ourselves. They would expect the cops but not 2 fine women at their door." Tessa told me. She really had this all figured out. Right then, I got a text from Kevin. I unlocked my phone and looked at it.


Kurvy: Pentatonix reunion is official! One week from today in Nashville, TN!

Me: Tessa is coming, she needs it. She's really tired out and I want to help her.

Kurvy: Always thinking of others my sweet Aislyn <3 I'll see you at the apartment babe xoxo

Me: Thanks Kev, love you.

I sat my phone down on Bre's bed. I told Tessa about Kevin and the band. She freaked.

"Well I have to get my conspiracies in order. First of all, it's that they didn't go missing. Why would they buy a plane ticket for that? Second of all, it's that they set this up to look like a run away. I still need more, when do we leave?" She asked me.

"About a week from today." It was late February, a week from today would be March 5.

"Well, can you give me a ride home?? I really need one so I can start my theories." She told me walking out of the door.

I really don't understand why we can't just get some undercover cops, they would catch her in an instant. I guess Tessa wants to do it the hard way.

She was waiting in my car sitting politely in the passenger seat. I got in and turned on the ignition. I drove her to her house. She was tapping her foot like I needed to go faster. Hopefully when we find them Tessa will go back to normal. This isn't the Tessa anyone used to know. I really want her to go to the way she was. Tessa was always so calm, collective, and nice.

Tessa ran out of the car without goodbye and I pulled out of her driveway. Who should I tell about this that should know? Probably not her parents, they will tell the cops, and Tessa would have a mental breakdown. I should tell the band. They should have the right to know. I drove to Kevin and I's apartment texting him to call up the band and that it's important. He said okay and they all would be there in a flash and hung up.

I thought about all of their reactions, how their expressions would change,
and how they would be afterwards. Would they be willing to help or just take us there? I shook the thoughts from my head before I started to think bad ones.

I pulled in the driveway and it seemed like everyone was here already except for Scott. Weird. I got out of the car and walked up to our apartment. When I opened the door everyone crowded me. I told them to stop and sit down.

"Where's Scott and Avi? They both need to be here more than you 3. No harsh feelings." I asked them.

"Scott went to pick-up Avi who decided to walk home from our meeting." Mitch told me. We talked with another for a couple minutes until there's was a loud bang at the door. I went and opened it, it was Scott and Avi. They ran over to the couch and sat down to hear the news.

"Please tell me you didn't tell them yet." Avi said with hope in his hazel eyes. I shook my head no.

They all kept hounding me and crowding me. I told them to sit down and then I would tell them. They all ran to sit down. "Tessa and I were searching for clues in Bre's room and she found something. It was a crumpled up plane ticket. It said Nashville, Tennessee and the date of the flight was about the time they left. They aren't missing, but they ran away. They wouldn't have ran away because of any of you though. They would've ran away for a reason though. Tessa is trying to figure that out."

Avi and Scott looked at another eyes full of excitement. "We all will help try to find them whenever we can, the police are probably already looking." Scott told me. I started to get nervous. "What Aislyn?" He asked.

"We haven't told the police, it's the only thing making Tessa sane. The police can't know apparently. She would break down if they knew. All she does in her life is try to find them." I told them.

"Okay, we better get ready for a trip to Nashville, Tennessee as undercover cops." Mitch said holding his hand in a gun shape.

Undercover cops. I kinda like it.

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