I nodded with a smile, and slammed the heavy car door and waved at him as he drove away.

I quickly made my way through the too white walls, and opened my faded blue locker.

I smiled at the poster of The Band Perry that I had hung up in my locker. They're my heroes!

Suddenly I heard a sneer from behind me. "And of course you listen to idiots! I bet they sound as tone deaf as you do!"

Suddenly a manicured hand with prissy pink painted nails reached behind me and grabbed the poster and crumpled it up in a ball and threw it towards the trashcan with the fakest high pitch laugh ever.

I whipped around to face Ashley. The most popular, and meanest girl in the 6th grade.

We used to be best friends growing up, but it all ended 2 years ago, in 4th grade. Apparently her too perfect blonde hair, and her bright blue eyes with an evil glint in them as she smirked at me made her too good for me.

I rolled my eyes at the ever present sneer on her face and said

"Oh just go back and gossip with your pack of mindless zombies Ashley and bother some who cares."

Everyone in the hall looked at me with shock as Ashley huffed and strutted down the hall like she owned it.

She turned around and said "I can't believe I was ever friends with someone as ugly as you."

I just rolled my eyes. I let her hurt me too much over the past two years, so I am not going to let her get to me now.

I marched over by the trashcan and carefully unfolded the poster and one of Ashley's cronies, Jessica, knocked all of my books out of my hands, and everyone in the hallway laughed.

I grumbled "Happy Birthday to me", as I knelt down to pick up my books just as the 5 minute warning bell rang.

Suddenly someone crouched down and scooped up my remaining books.

I stood up to find the beautiful green eyes of my neighbor, and long time crush, Dylan looking at me.

He handed me my books and asked "You okay Bel?"

"Yyyeeeaahh" I stammered and he smiled at me and ran his hands through his wavy dark brown hair and I felt my heart beat faster.

I quickly taped by poster back up, and Dylan looked at me and asked

"Would you mind walking to class with me?"

I nodded and giggled as he grabbed my free hand and we ran toward math class together.

Just as he pushed open the door and held it for me, he said "Oh yeah Happy Birthday Bel." with a smile.

I smiled back as he pulled a desk toward mine, and couldn't help but think maybe this was going to be a great birthday after all!

After an hour of torture in the form of Algebra, the bell finally rang, and I quickly gathered my books and escaped out of the door as fast as I could.

An hour closer to my surprise! I scurried to my locker, and put away my math book and grabbed my English book.

I couldn't help but smile as I made my way to my favorite class. But just as I turned from my locker, all I saw was a pink heel stick out, and then my face met the black and white tiled floor.

I groaned and tried to push myself up, when a heeled foot stomped on my exposed arm. I groaned as a long scratch, and a bruise formed.

I slowly pushed myself up, cradling my injured arm to be met by the smirking face of Ashley. Who else? I vowed to ignore the pain, and I bit my lip as I gathered my books. I slowly made my way down the hall towards my English class.

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