The Prince and the Princess Part 2

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I'm not describing how you got ready. Just use your wonderful imagination. This picks up when Y/N gets out of the carriage. X3

The coachman held out his hand to help Y/N out of the carriage. She fixed her dress by smoothing out the bottom and pulling the strapless top up in the front. She looked around and seen that her carriage was the last to arrive. She heard a shuffle from the balcony, next to some vines that was creeping up the side of the big, stone castle. Y/N seen a man leaning on the railing, staring up at the stars. The light from the moon made it so that the shadows were blocking her from seeing the mysterious mans face, but not his outfit. He was wearing what seemed to be a white and pink royal suit and a crown that reflected the light. 'That might be Mark' She thought. The figure looked down towards her and Y/N made sure she looked decent. She heard another shuffle and a door close as she started to walk in the big door leading into the castle.

Y/N was directed to to a red carpet that lead into the grand ballroom filled with the most regal Dukes and Duchess', princes' and princess', and many others. She wondered around until she ended up at the edge of the room, next to the doors that lead to the garden, when she heard trumpets.

"May I have everyone's attention please?" The solider standing beside the staircase announced. "Queen Fischbach and Prince Thomas!" The queen and the oldest prince walked to the top of the staircase that were placed in the middle of the room, so whenever you walked in the room, that's the first thing you see. Everyone, including Y/N, bowed and welcomed the two. "Hello everyone, and thank you for coming tonight!" The queen started. "As you all know, my youngest son, Mark, will be taking the throne soon," Then Thomas took over, "and needs a love in his life!" Everyone laughed as the queen playfully smacked the princes' shoulder. "Yes. As he just said, but this ball is also to help him relax and get rid of the stress and worry of what is coming soon. So, without further ado, my youngest son, Prince Mark." The room filed with clapping as the soon-to-be-king stepped to where his mother and brother were. "Thank you all for coming." He spoke. He sounded so dignified and his voice had gotten deeper.  "I will not give a big speech because my mother done that for me. So everyone relax and have fun!" Y/N recognized his suit. It was the prince she had seen standing on the balcony, but now she could see his face.

He had a chiseled jawline, brown- almost black- hair, scruff that lined his jaw, and finally, deep, beautiful, brown eyes that sparkled. Y/N had so many memories come flooding back to her from when they were younger. He has grown up from what she remembered. But of course, it has been 12 years since their sad and sudden departure from each other. Y/N knew that she wouldn't be able to talk to him because he was surrounded by so many friends and admirers. 'He probably doesn't even remember me.' She decided to go outside to look at the stars and get some fresh air. Y/N sat beside the old squirrel fountain that they used to play in and run around when she would come visit him. She heard the orchestra play the song that she and Mark claimed as theirs when they were little. (it's Everything's Alright. You can play the music if you want). She started humming with the music, but ended up singing.

"Mark!" "Oh, hey Wade and Bob. Are you guys enjoying yourselves?" "Yep. Have you found 'anybody' yet? Huh?" Wade asked, nudging Mark's arm and wiggling his eyebrows. "Wade, calm your brows. And no, you know that there's only one girl for me." "Mark," Bob started, "Y/N might've forgotten about you by now. That was 12 years ago. Hell, she might even be married!" "Bob, I love her and always will. And I know she isn't married. I. Will. Find. Her." "Whatever you say lover-boy" Wade said, rolling his eyes. Mark lets out a frustrated grunt and decides to go outside, to the garden, to cool off.
He walks over to the huge squirrel fountain and looked into the rippling water. 'I'm not going to find Y/N, am I?' Mark was deep in thought and memories when he heard the orchestra playing their song. It made him think of Y/N even more and when they used to play in her castles garden. Y/N and Mark would sneak into the kitchen and get the most delicious cookies and sweets and then sneak back out before anyone caught them. He remembered when they made each other a promise ring and promised that they would be best friends forever.

Mark missed that.

He was pulled out of thought when he heard humming, then singing, from the other side of the fountain. Mark slowly walked around it and seen something- or actually someone- beautiful. He sees the girl from the last carriage, sitting on one of the benches next to the red roses. She was singing Y/N and Mark's song. And she got every word, every note, perfectly. When the song ended, she stopped. Mark clapped and heard her gasp. She quickly stood up and turned around. "That was beautiful!" He exclaimed.

The moon was shining in a certain position so he couldn't see her face. "I didn't know anyone else was back here." She said shyly. "Yea, I came back here to take a break from all the ruckus." He chuckled and motioned back to the ballroom. 'Something tells me she can't see me in this lighting.' "Would you like to go somewhere else, where the light is better, so we can talk?" Mark asked, hoping she'd say yes. "Okay! I-I mean, yea, sure." He smiled and motioned her to follow him further into the garden. He led her to a candle-lit gazebo. Mark heard the girl gasp as they made their way onto the gazebo. "What's wrong?" Mark turned around to see her holding her hand over her mouth. He looked at her confused. 'Wait, I think this might be...' He looked at her at her a little more closely. 'Oh my god'. She has Y/N's soft, H/C hair, her beautiful E/C eyes, and she smells like Y/N's favorite scent, F/S. Mark's eyes widened. 'It has to be, please let it be true'.

Markiplier Imagines (discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें