The Following Afternoon... (Part-3)

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-The Plan-

I peeked through one of the barred windows, I saw that the search teams were already formed and ready. Two teams of 10 or 12 followed each of the twins like soldiers into battle. Lucile season was underway! But would they even find her? I sneaked over to the back window of the cell, I peeked through it. Lucile was still there, laying in a patch of tall grass, remaining silent and hidden, clever. I whispered out to her, "Lucile."

Like a frightened white rabbit, the little girl turned her head to me. She slowly got on her feet and approached the window. "What happened?" she quietly murmured.

"It's bad Lucile, really bad." I said in a low voice, "Mercedes found out of our little escape, the village is searching for you now. They'll believe anything Mercedes tells them, they think you're a lost orphan. And you were definitely right about Ms. Mercedes Lucile, she's been killing her own people for years, even her own father."

"That's terrible," Lucile muttered.

"I fear that you're only in more danger the longer you stay here," I continued, "Mercedes is dangerous, you need to leave now!"

"No," she cried, "not without you! I don't know where home is." She was right, and I doubt she would even make the 10 mile hike to the city on her own without anything bad happening to her. Lucile had nowhere else to go.

"I don't know if I can even escape alive." I then explained, "Even if I could escape, Mercedes has got her hands on my heart. If I try to leave I'm dead, if I refuse to marry I'm dead, and if I choose to marry I'm dead. I'm all out of options Lucile."

"There must be a way out John," Lucile explained, "there must be."

"I don't know," I admitted, "I don't know how long you'll be able to hide here. You should get out while you still can, who knows how long it'll be until Mercedes gives up searching. She gets what she sees, she's unstoppable!"

"At least think about it, I'll think of something."

"Alright," I sighed, "I guess I should too." I walked away from the window and began to pace about the room for some sort of plan. But anyway I thought, problems would only cloud my mind even further. I had no plan that promised both me and Lucile's safety without some sort of risky obstacle. That obstacle being Mercedes' possession of my heart. I was at a total loss with a lost cause. I felt myself become more and more doomed the more my plans were thrown out. The messages from the speakers tried to drown me out, but I resisted. My remaining determination kept me thinking and thinking, but to no avail did a somewhat decent plan come to mind. The clock was ticking, faster and faster. Time was short.

As I paced around and around and around, Gordon was sitting up against the wall and watched me. And during one of my many cycles, he looked up to me and mournfully said, "I'm sorry about this Mr. Eliot. We shouldn't have brought you into this. I wish I could have predicted that Mercedes would choose you to be her husband. Damn that woman's instinct for men!"

"Don't beat yourself up so badly," I said, "I wouldn't have found Lucile if it weren't for you. She would've been good as lost had I not come here." I didn't even know of this village's existence until I found it for myself.

"Is she safe?"

"She's right behind the wall."

"Good," The Russian sighed in relief, turning his sad glance into a small smile. Though it was short lived. "I'm afraid it's the end for me Mr. Eliot. I don't know when it'll happen but I know for a fact that Mercedes is going to kill me."

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