Bad Whiskey (Part-2)

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"Mercedes is quite the woman isn't she Mr. Eliot?" Smiled the bartender.

"I'll say," I said wiping the sweat off my forehead, "I've never seen a woman act like that. It's not like I'm a ladies man or anything." The radio changed to another song. Another song with Mercedes' voice. I still couldn't believe it. "Is that really Ms. Mercedes singing?" I asked.

"Why yes, in every song in fact!" Harold chuckled, "Mercedes' lovely voice is what powers all of us, it motivates us to all work very hard! Mercedes loves all of us like a second mother, she even plays bed time programs for the little ears." How lovely of her. "Of course, they are just recordings."

"You mean she's never performed live?" I asked tilting my head.

"At least, not to my knowledge," Harold pondered, "I've heard that these songs have been made long before the village even existed. It's very rare of her to sing for anyone."

"I guess I'm a lucky one." I declared, "She whispered her song right into my ear." Both voices synced so well with each other. It was harmony. "It was just so smooth, I've never heard anyone sing like that."

Harold began to chuckle a little, "I've never seen Mercedes look so loving towards a guest, and I think she has a crush on you John!"

"And that's another thing," I said now that he'd mention it, "what is with her affections, she's been like this since we've first met. And that was a few hours ago. Every time I see her, she's always got her eye on me. I don't know her, and she doesn't know me. What do you think?"

"Beats me John," Harold shrugged, "Looking at you, I see a young businessman in a very decent looking suit. I guess that would mean that you're very smart and a bit serious in your work. Mercedes is serious, wise, and a very charming woman in everyone's eyes. I can see the chemistry clear as day, but that is just me. Not to mention, she has a bit of an instinct!"


"Yup! An instinct, every woman seems to have it when it comes to love Mr. Eliot! But it's Ms. Mercedes' very instinct that decides what is good for our little village. She's our town's conscience! I wouldn't be surprised if Ms. Mercedes' feel for the right man was stronger than we all expect!"

"Harold, do you think?" I said feeling very, very anxious all of a sudden, "Do you think I'm her match?"

"You? I highly doubt it Mr. Eliot," Harold laughed as if I were joking, "if she were to marry you, you'd have to be a member first. I guess that means that the chances are rather slim, am I right?"

He was right, he sounded right, I knew he was right. "Huh, I guess you are then," I chuckled feeling relieved as I leaned against the counter.

"I know I am Mr. Eliot," Harold smiled, "trust me good sir!"

I began to feel a tad bit uncomfortable talking about the subject of finding your special one, I could feel the inside of my suit begin to heat up across my body. It was about time for me to change the subject, enough about love so how about life? No longer worrying about the ridiculous idea of a potential marriage, I no longer had the need to discuss any more about it. It was about time for me to change the subject.

"So what made you come to this town anyway?" I then asked him, "What's your story?"

"Well," Harold started placing the glass he was holding onto a glass rack behind him. He placed his elbows to the counter, "Years ago, I used to be a bar tender in the big city. I actually wanted to be a brewer like my dad was! The bar tending job was more of a way to pay off for college though, but I was really enjoying it. The place was always busy during the day, lots of pleasant people came in for a drink. It was mostly a friendly crowd. Meeting new faces was how I met my wife Lisa. It was great while it lasted!"

"Well what happened?" I asked as I was intrigued to know more.

"Then..." Harold's smile slowly disappeared as his eyes pointed to the counter, "one day the bar caught fire, the whole building burnt down to the ground. I tried to find another bar to tend to, but it just never felt the same to me. The crowds were much uglier, pay was low, I just didn't like it at all. Pretty soon I couldn't pay the rent, my friends were starting to grow much more distant from me, long story short it was just one long downhill full of pain and misery."

"That's too bad." I said trying to sympathize. I've personally faced a lot of financial debt, but that was my own struggle.

"Yeah," he continued, "So I left town, my friends, and I dropped out of college at the end of my 3rd year. Surprised I made it that far." Quite an unfortunate tale for me to hear, but I didn't realize until now that I was actually talking to a Happy Happy Villager who showed more emotions than just the one. Of course I didn't realize it, I was feeling quite bad for what happened to the poor fellow. "After that, Lisa and I found this place. It's not much but it's our home now."

"Speaking of your wife, I believe I've met her out on the porch." I said raising a finger, "we bumped into each other during the tour."

"Lively thing isn't she? I do love her, and my job, and my life. I really can't complain really after all, I'm no better at being a bar tender than anyone else here could be."

"Aren't you happy here?" I then asked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You don't look to happy here," I could see it his eyes as well as his voice, he sounded like a miserable man to me. He didn't seem to look very Happy Happy about his new life. "Ever thought about going off to the big city again?"

"Well, I am very happy to be here!" He then smiled very nervously, "and no I've never ever thought of going to the big city! I don't plan to!" His smile grew more and more, it was very painful to look at, but it was very odd and out of nowhere. "Why should I even leave town, no one ever leaves town since they're already happy!" I could see that he was looking directly at someone when he said that, someone was watching us. I looked over my shoulder to notice Levi sitting at a table at a far corner. He wasn't smiling, he looked rather concerned.

"Why go back, I'm living the dream of a bartender, just like I wanted!" Harold looked at the vested man and gave him the brightest smile he could. Levi smiled back and waved, turning back to a news article he was in the middle of reading.

"Harold, are you alright?" I said turning back to Harold. He had his back turned and was busy cleaning a couple of glasses by a very large barrel. I looked over my shoulder again back to Lucas. He must have overheard the little conversation we were having, and it looked like to him that we were discussing a few things that we shouldn't have. I raised an eye brow in suspicion.

I then felt Harold grip my arm while I wasn't looking. I turned to him, to see the bar tender giving me a very sheepish and nervous smile. I didn't like it one bit, he was now making me nervous. "Mr. Eliot," he kindly asked me, "would you like me to show you around the cellar?" He looked very desperate for yes to be my answer.

"Uh, sure," I slowly answered, "how nice of you to offer me."

"Great!" the bartender released my arm and began to walk around the counter, "If you would come this way, I'll show you where we keep the best liquor in the village!" He then began to walk down a stairwell, disappearing from my view. "Come along!" he called to me.

None of the other customers seemed to care to watch what we were doing, not even Lucas. I approached the stairwell leading down into the cellar and looked down into the darkness. It may seem like a very common trope to say "I have a bad feeling about this." But with a cellar that looked as dark and ominous as this one, the only thought I had was...

"I've got a really bad feeling about this." A feeling much, much worse than the whiskey I just drank.

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