I turned on my iPod and put on an album by The Ramones. We made it our tradition to listen to their songs on every first day of school. We sang along to it. It actually made me feel a little better.

I pulled into the school parking lot. We met up with Carolyn Mills, one of our friends with a white pixie cut.

"Hey what are you all's classes?" Carolyn asked and we exchanged our schedules.

"We have the same English, math, and gym class," I said to them.

We had English first period, so we walked in the hallway to find our class.

We walked in the room, the teacher wasn't inside yet. We sat next to each other.

"Yo! Raven, Katie, and Carolyn!" Our friend Johnny Ford said to us. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and wore a black hoodie, maroon shirt, and black jeans. We said hi to him.

The teacher walked in. Wait...is that...no it can't be!

I gasped out loud and I could've sworn my heart stopped for a few seconds.

"Oh my God," Katie gasped to herself. Her mouth dropped open.

The teacher turned out to be my boyfriend, Tyler Zielinski...

"That's Tyler!" Katie hissed at me. I snapped back into reality and sunk in my seat as low as I could without causing too much attention.

"I know, shut up!" I hissed back.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know!" I kept my head down so my face would be hidden. But my bright red pixie hair would probably give it away. Curse you red hair.

The teacher said to the class, "Hello, I'm Mr. Zielinski, and I will be your English teacher this year." He wrote his name on the board.

Well at least he didn't notice me yet...

When he was done writing he said, "I'm going to take attendance."

Crap! This is how he'll get me!

I knew it will be a while until my name was called because my last name was Valentine.

He went down name by name. "Katie Daniels."

She hid her face, "Here!" she exclaimed.

She met him a few times but he didn't know her last name, and the name Katie is fairly common.

"Johnny Ford," Mr. Zielinski said.


He went past a few more names. "Carolyn Mills."


This went on for another minute. "Eric Thomas."


Mr. Zielinski paused and brushed his hair back with his hand. His mouth dropped and he cleared his throat and he looked around the classroom, "Raven Valentine." He sounded more stern, almost exasperated.

Oh my God he knows.

He looked straight at me and repeated, "Raven Valentine?"

"...Here," I squeaked. My face flushed red.

Eyes still locked on me, he said, "I'm done with attendance."

While glaring, he walked up to me and stopped next to me. "After class we need to talk," he gritted.

My face felt like it was on fire and I felt so stiff and stupid. All I could do was nod.

I had never felt so awful in my life. I'm such a stupid awful human being. He doesn't deserve someone like me. He's way out of my league. Now that he's my teacher we have no choice but to end the relationship anyway.

Pixie Dream GirlWhere stories live. Discover now