Chap 35

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Rikona's POV

I ran out of Suna and saw Oroichimaru on his snake up ahead, there were Konoha ninja not far back behind Oroichimaru and there were Suna ninja not to far behind me. I met Oroichimaru in the middle and glared.

"Give me the gems and I'll leave" Oroichimaru stated

"You'll have to take the lives of my children to have them but before that you'll have to go through me" I smirked

"You sealed the stones in them brats!?" Oroichimaru hissed

"My children aren't brats" I stated

"Let's fight" Oroichimaru smirked

I shook my head sadly as tears fell from my eyes, I took a deep breath and wiped them away.

"Oroichimaru, let's make this the best last fight I'll ever have" I smiled with my lip quivering

"As you wish" Oroichimaru nodded

We got into our fighting stance, I charged at Orochimaru and hit his chakra points in both his arms. I laughed and sent him into the air, the giant snake attacked me but I slashed its head and decapitated it.

Oroichimaru turned around and I smirked, he hissed and charged at me. Dodged every kick he made then I let him kick me and landed on the balls on my heels.

I began the hand signs that would end it all, I let my tears fall as I continued at a fast pace.

"Forbidden Jutsu: 1000 Years of Death!!" I shouted and a blinding white light made me cover my eyes

Soon I fell to the ground.

No One's POV

Lady Rikona fell to the ground, many rushed over to her. Lady Tsunade checked her and pulled back with tears in her eyes, Kakashi gasped and fell to the ground.

"She's dead" Lady Tsunade spoke softly

"MUMMY!!" A girl screamed

"MUMMY!! WHATS WRONG WITH MUMMY!!" A boy screamed as Garaa ran over

"Mummy!!" Both children whimpered as they clung to their dead mothers body

"Aiko, Hikaru" Garaa called

The two children looked up at him and cried, Garaa picked them up and bounced them until they fell asleep.

Blue sparkles exited Lady Rikona's mouth and Garaa lied the two children near their mother. The blue sparkles went into their chest and a blue light shined for a second before disappearing.

Garaa picked the children up again and stared sadly at Rikona, a sand shinobi pulled the necklace from Lady Rikona and put it on Garaa.

"As Kazakage, I'll send my children to you when they are seven years of age to live in Konoha and join the academy until they are twelve" Garaa spoke

"Permission granted" Lady Tsunade nodded

"While in Konoha they will need special training, Rikona sealed away the dragon stole into Aiko and the wolf stone into Hikaru" Garaa stated

"As you wish" Lady Tsunade nodded

"Thank you, we will have a funeral tomorrow" Garaa spoke and his sand encased Rikona

The leaf shinobi and sand shinobi entered Suna, after awhile everyone went to their own homes/hotel rooms. Aiko and Hikona clung to their father all day, once it turned night time. Both children slept with their father, Garaa held his precious babies tightly against him.

It was the day of the funeral, everyone in Suna attended. Aiko and Hikaru cried and clung to their father, after the funeral, Garaa took Aiko and Hikaru to the Dango store.

"I'll have 6 Dango" Garaa spoke

"It's on the house today" The lady smiled sadly

"Thank you" Aiko mutter and buried her face in Garaa's neck

Once they had their Dango, they found a seat in the back corner. Aiko squealed as her Dango was decorated in Sakura blossoms and Hikaru's were decorated in clouds, Aiko and Hikaru swapped a Dango each and began eating.

Once they finished the lady thanked them and gave Aiko and Hikaru a container full of left over Dango, once they reached home Garaa began cooking dinner.

"Aiko! Hikaru!" Garaa called

"Aiko is coming!" Aiko called

"Me too!" Hikaru called

"Dinner is ready, let's go sit down" Garaa smiled as the pair giggled


Aiko and Hikaru walked into class with no emotion on their faces, Shikadai smiled and waved at them. They waved back and smiled, when another class mate came up they ignored them and walked to their seats.

Mika walked in and saw the emotionless twins staring at nothing, Mika smiled sadly and went to talk to them.

"How are you feeling?" Mika asked

The twins ignored their teacher and continued to stare off into space.

"Aiko, Hikaru! It must be tough loosing you mum but that gives you no reason to ignore people" Mika scolded

Aiko and Hikaru looked at Mika with dull eyes, they glared at Mika and growled.

"How would you know what it's like to loose a parent at such a young age? You're nothing but a worthless teacher to us, tell dad what we said. I don't care" Aiko spoke

"Excuse me?" Mika asked

"I don't want to talk to you anymore" Aiko spoke and looked back to the front

"Leave us alone unless you're teaching us something" Hikaru stated and looked back to the front

Shikadai frowned at the sudden change in his friends and crush, Aiko sighed and glared at Mika.

"No! I want to sit next to Hikaru!" A girl shouted

"No! Like he would ever like you!" Anot shouted

Shikadai stood up and took the seat next to Hikaru, the girls groaned and the door slide open to reveal Garaa.

"At least talk to the other children" Mika pleaded

"No, now go away unless you going to teach me something" Aiko stated emotionlessly

"Aiko, Hikaru. What's going on?" Garaa asked

"Mika-sensei is trying to force us to talk to other students but we don't want to. I don't like it" Aiko spoke

"Aiko, if you don't want to talk to them you don't have to same with you Hikaru" Garaa spoke

"WHAT!? The other students are trying to be nice to these brats and they are pushing them away" Mika-sensei shouted

"What. Did. You. Say?" Aiko asked while cracking her knuckles

"I said you're a brat" Mika glared

"Don't talk to my sister like that" Hikaru cracked his knuckles

"So what if I did?" Mika asked

"It's you're death wish. Go ahead and do what you want, teach her a lesson" Garaa smiled

"Okay" Aiko smirked

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