Chap 24

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I smiled as I felt Garaa's arms around my waist, I snuggled into Garaa's chest and heard a small purr. I opened my eyes to see a blushing Garaa, I giggled and kissed his chin.

"Morning" Sasuke yawned

"Morning Teme" Naruto sighed

"Morning" I smiled

"Eh? Mitsu's in here?" Kakashi-sensei asked

"Yes, I've been in here most of the night" I spoke


"Be quiet! She's probably with Garaa" Tenmari yawned

"Oh right. I forgot about that" Sakura laughed nervously

"Oh, hey Mitsu" Kankoro yawned

I got myself out of Garaa's grasp and went to put the fire on, I dumped wood on it and set it a light. I began cooking breakfast as everyone left their tents, I gave everyone breakfast as we talked and laughed.

I washed up and packed the dishes away, Sakura and Tenmari helped make lunch. After we packed our stuff away, I transformed and lied down. Everyone hopped on and I held everyone down with my tails as took away the barrier.

"We should be there by 6:00pm" I spoke

"Okay" Mum smiled

I took off running, I leaped over fallen trees and a lake. I saw the gates up a head a skidded to a stop, I smelt Oroichimaru. I growled and saw Chakra chains fly at me, I jumped out of their reach and landed with a thud.

"I see you already knew what was happening" Kabuto smirked

I bared my fangs and hissed, I held everyone in place as Oroichmaru smirked and Kabuto pulled out two needles.

I backed away a little and growled, I didn't notice Oroichimaru gone. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground, I transformed back into my human form and screamed in pain.

"What have you done to my daughter?" Dad asked

"Just what I had to" Oroichimaru nodded at Kabuto

I saw him run towards Naruto, I slowly stood up and threw myself at Kabuto. The glass needle smashed and I fell into the glass, I growled and Kabuto ran towards Oroichimaru.

"Die!!" I heard mum scream and everything went black

I opened my eyes to see I'm in a bed, the door opened and The Sage of Six Paths walked in. I sat up painfully, The Sage of Six Paths placed pillows behind my back.

"You're lucky" The Sage of Six Paths spoke

"How's that?" I asked

"When the glass shattered and you fell on to it, you ended up having an extra dose" The Sage of Six Paths sighed

"Where am I?" I asked

"Mitsu, you are in my house. You had an over dose and died, I was able to save you and I used the liquid to make an antidote. I'll give you the recipe and you must take the antidote, you will still be the same with all you're different forms but when Oroichimaru injects you with that liquid it won't do anything" The Sage of Six Pats smiled and handed me some tea

"Thank you" I smiled and drank the tea

"It has the antidote in it, boil it first unless you want to feel like you've drunk lava" The Sage of Six Paths chuckled and handed me the rest of the antidote

"Is she okay?" Naruto asked

"Her heart rate is slow" Mum spoke

"You should get back" The Sage of Six Parhs smiled and opened a door

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