Chap 15

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I followed Mitsu as she was walking slightly in front of me, my eyes glued themselves to her hips. I gulped silently and shook my head when I heard my name.

"Garaa! We are here" Mitsu smiled

I nodded and followed her over to near the waterfall, I was confused but followed none the less.

"What are me doing?" I asked

"Well, I wanted to try chakra control with you, so we are going to pick water up in our hands" Mitsu smiled and bounced slightly

My eyes glued themselves to her breast as they slightly bounced, I blushed and shook my head.

"Okay let's get started" Mitsu smiled

I watched as Mitsu crouched and focused chakra into her hand, she lifted her hand up and a bubble of water was clinging to her hand.

"Okay focus a little amount of chakra into you're hand but not too little" Mitsu explained

I crouched down and focused a little too much chakra, I lifted my hand and it exploded. Mitsu laughed and shook her head, Mitsu took my hand and she smiled and lifted it, water was clinging to my hand.

"Whatever you do, don't waver the chakra amount" Mitsu spoke

I stood up and walked away, I walked over to Tenmari and made the water explode. Tenmari screamed and I snickered, Mitsu walked over and helped Tenmari up.

"Garaa!" Tenmari whined

"He made the water explode the first time he tried to pick it up" Mitsu chuckled

I followed Mitsu back to the water and she shook her head, I smiled slightly and blushed.

"That was pretty funny" Mitsu smiled

After a while of practise, I finally got it, thanks to Mitsu. After that Mitsu showed me tree climbing and how to stand on water, I mastered them last two pretty quick.

"LUNCH TIME!!" Mitsu shouted and walked over to the picnic bag she set up.

After we got our food, we ate, laughed and talked. Mitsu laughed at something Sakura said and I blushed, I felt my heart race and I remembered what Tenmari said.

Don't worry if you're heart rate speeds up or you get fuzzy in you're stomach or you might even stutter, it's just cause you're in love. Tenmari's words echoed in my mind

"After we finish lunch and tomorrow we are going to have a break, dress in you're swimmers tomorrow too" Mitsu smiled

"What swimmers have you got?" Tenten asked Mitsu

"I have a bikini, it's black, orange and white. You'll see it tomorrow" Mitsu smiled

An image of Mitsu una bikini flashed in my mind and I blushed, I put my head down and began eating.

"Garaa, are you coming swimming?" Ino asked

"Y-Yeah" I stuttered

"Is something wrong, Garaa?" Tenmari teased

"Shut up or I'll kill you" I glared at her

"You can't use Shakaku" Mitsu spoke

I stayed silent and looked away with the image of Mitsu in a bikini still in my mind, Kankoro chuckled at me and I glared.

After lunch we all relaxed and just talked, I played with some of the Jutsu's Mitsu taught me.

"I thought I said we were to relax" Mitsu chuckled and sat beside me

"I'm just playing around" I spoke

"I see, you've learnt a lot since we first got here. Who do you think was the best teacher?" Mitsu smiled and I blushed

"You" I mumbled

"Really?" Mitsu asked

"Mmhm" I nodded and continued playing with the Jutsu's

"That's good to hear" Mitsu giggled

I felt my heart start to race and my stomach felt fuzzy, I blushed and pulled my legs to my stomach. I rested my head on my knees and Mitsu smiled.

"I'll leave you be" Mitsu smiled

"I rather you stay" I mumbled and blushed lightly

I want to tell her but I'm too nervous. What if she doesn't like me back? What is she laughs at me? I asked myself

Stupid kid! She's fallen head over heels in love with you!! Ask her before it's too late!! Shakaku spoke

How do you know? I asked

She took me from you and used her chakra to bound me from protecting you, I'm able to access her thoughts and such. Shakaku sighed

I blushed a deep red at the thought of Mitsu liking me back, I felt someone's hand on my forehead and looked towards Mitsu.

"You don't have a fever" Mitsu frowned

I blushed deeper and Mitsu smirked, I gulped a little and Mitsu lent towards my ear.

"Would you're face be red because you're blushing? Hmm?" Mitsu whispered

My blush darkened and I put my head on my knees, Mitsu patted my back and giggled. I felt my fave cool down and I sighed, I now knew that I fell in love with Mitsu.

After a few more hours we packed up our things and walked back to our camp, Mitsu cooked and we ate it, Mitsu washed our clothes and dishes.

I lied down in bed and closed my eyes, I couldn't get Mitsu out of my head. All I could think about was Mitsu, a small smile made it way onto my lips and I rolled onto my side.

I slowly drifted to sleep while dreaming about Mitsu.


I woke up early and walked outside the tent, I saw Hinata and Mitsu sitting around the fire. I sat myself next to Mitsu and smiled lightly, Mitsu and Hinata greeted me with a good morning and I nodded back.

"What's up with you? You're never up this early!" Mitsu joked

"Couldn't sleep" I lied

"Alright well get a plate and I serve you breakfast" Mitsu smiled

I nodded and grabbed a plate, I walked over and Mitsu gave me some food. I ate it slowly and washed it up once I was finished, Hinata and Mitsu were laughing and smiling together.

I want to make her smile like that I thought

You idiot! Hinata and Mitsu are talking about you and that's what Mitsu was smiling about. Mitsu talks about you non-stop to the other girls, saying how she thinks you are hot and all. Shakaku spoke

I blushed and sat back down next to Mitsu but a little closer, I like the closeness and didn't want to move.

After breakfast we changed into our swimmers and grabbed our towels, I walked out and saw Mitsu, Tenmari and Hinata.

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