"Good Morning Y/N~"

"Good Morning Jean...."

Jean then pet your head "Why do you look so exited? Mhmm~ Let me guess...Are you exited to see me?"

"Wha...N..No thats not it Jean!" You said blushing

"Come on Y/N I know you do miss me~" Jean said poking your blushing cheeks

"Sh....Shut up!"

"I wont shut up if you tell me you do miss me~"

"F..Fine! Ye...Yes i do..." You half lied i mean yes you do miss Jean.

"Awww~You cutie" Jean then hugged you

"Je..Jean! Dont do this! Everyone can see us!"


You looked around and you didnt notice Marco isnt here yet. "Jean?"


"Where is Marco?"

"Oh him? He said he had somethings to do he already ask permission to the principal"

"Oh...i see..."

Ding! Dong! Dang! Dong!

"Oh There goes the bell we should sit down now..."

"Btw Jean whats out first subject?"

"Science with Miss Hanji"

"Oh! i love science"


"What? You dont like science Jean?"

"Well yes i do but...."


"Nevermind...lets just get back to our sit"

You noded and went to your sit. You waited for the teacher to come....also...Eren of course. You talked to Christa and Ymir. Suddenly the door open. Your eyes widen and you blush. Your heart beats fast....Sound like your crush has arrived. Eren still in his bad boy form looked around for awhile then looked at you. He smiled and walks to you and sits down next to you.

"Hey" He said

"He..Hey" You tried to hide your blush but failed.

You can smell his perfume and its smells good. Without you noticing Jean in the back seems angry and frustrated. He hates when you blush...He hated when you smile....he hates everything went you only smiled at him....Eren.....


"My sis is entering the school also my friend..."

"Oh really? Where are they?"

"They went to the principals office..."


Eren then gets close to you. He rest his chin on his arm.

"So Y/N~"


"Do you have a crush on anyone?"


"Tell me do you?"


Eren then smirk and looks away "Good..."

Weird...Whats with him.....

Suddenly the class room door open. Miss Hanji enters the class with two...students...You never met...Wait! Its them! Those two new students! Everyone stops whenever they were doing and sits down at their sits.

"Alright everyone!~ i have a breif anoncment to tell you! We have a new students!" Miss Hanji then looked at the student "Please introduce yourself darling~" The boy with the blond hair stood up. "I am Armin Alert...It..Its..Nice to meet you all..." "He seems like a shy kid..." You thought then the female stood up "I am Mikasa Ackerman...Its nice to meet you all.." She then looked around till she made an eye contact with you.
Her face..Well scary.....She stare at you for a moment then she looked
Beside you...which is Eren.

You noticed Eren just scoft and looks away.

"Alright you two~" Miss Hanji said the she looked at Armin "Armin you be sitting next to Jean over there and Mikasa you be...sitting next to Krista"

The two of them noded and went to their sit. As the two where heading to their sits you notice Mikasa gave a stare. You thought she hates you but...you were wrong.

"Well then! Lets starts the class shall we! Open pa-" Miss Hanji then tripped into something and fell. Everyone burst into laughter (Well some of them but mostly they did laugh) You were just silent and felt bad for Miss Hanji beside Miss Hanji is your favorite teacher after all she may be clumsy and sometimes insane over some expirment but she had kind hearted and help people a lot. You just sits quietly while people are laughing. You then noticed Eren had a ...bored experation or maybe something else.....Then you looked at your back....You noticed two things. 1 Mikasa still staring at you with her stotic expration and 2....Jean is staring at you. "What? Why is Jean staring at me? Is ther something wrong..." You thought.

To be continued......

Hey guys wassup! Sorry to cut ahort here haha! Dont worry there gonna be the next. I be updating dont worry. I know its a lomg time i have gather up my ideas before writing this story and it took me time to finish it. So anyway bye for now and see you guys at the next chapter! Byee

Bad Boy (Bad boy Eren X Jean X Levi X Reader) (Complete!)✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt