No More Chances

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Chapter 19
(That night )
Rachels pov :
I left for the airport at 6:30 hoping that by some chance Finn would be there too and that when he saw me , he pick me up and kiss me passionatley. I walked into the airport to see he wasn't there yet he had an hour and a half to get here so I sat down by the gate and waited .

Finns pov :
It was 6:30pm and I was sitting in the choir room still looking down at the sonogram picture Rachel gave to me earlier. "Hey." Mr.Shue said. "Hey." I said. "What are you doing here?" He asked me. "Oh just thinking." I said. "About what?" He asked me. "Rachel and the baby." I said. "What about them?" He asked me. "Catherines back and she wants to work things out but I think it's too late . " I said. "Is it?" He asked me. "No...yes....I don't know. I just can't stop thinking about her. " I said. "Who Catherine? " He asked me. "No Rachel . " I told her. "Well who are you going to choose Rachel or Catherine?" He asked me. "I don't know , Catherines my wife but Rachel is everything good in me . " I said. "Well you're going to have to make a decision sometime. " He said. "Rachel said she's leaving for New York tonight. She wants me to go with her." I said. "Are you? " He asked me. "I want too but I can't just leave Catherine she's my wife I want to make it work." I said. "Finn , I have known you for a long time and I know that if you let Rachel go now you'll never get her back. You can go home to Catherine and be miserable or you can go to that airport and get your girl back. " He told me and with that he left.

Rachels pov :
It was 7:55 and Finn still wasn't here yet . "Flight 3322 to New York City is now boarding. " The air attendent said. I got up and started to get on the plane it was clear that Finn was not coming and now I was on my own. I stood in line hoping that by some chance Finn would be here any second but it didn't seem real. I walked onto the plane and put my stuff on top and sat down next to a handsome man. "Hi." He said. "Hi." I said and we smiled at eachother.

Finns pov :
I ran into the airport running to the gate trying to get to Rachel in time. Just as I got to the gate the attendent closed it. "Ma'am wait I need to get on that plane!" I yelled to her. "I'm sorry sir but you're too late ." She told me. "No please you done understand the girl my dreams is on there please just let me in there I have a ticket." I said. "I'm sorry sir but no." She said and walked away. I pulled out my phone and called Rachel.

Rachels pov :
"I'm Brody. " The man said. "I'm Rachel. " I told him and then my phone rang. I pulled it out but just as I was about to amswer it the flight attendant came up to me and said, "Ma'am please turn all electronic devices off." She told me. "Okay , I guess they can leave a voicemail." I said and turned it off.

Finns pov:
"Hello you've reached Rachel Berry I'm sorry I couldn't get to the phone please leave a voicemail and I'll call you back . " Her voicemail said. "Rachel its Finn. I'm at the airport looking at the plane you're on watching you getting ready to take off. I want you to know that I love you and I want you and the baby in my life. I choose you Rachel, I want to be with you because love you. I choose you so please just call me back." I said and hung up just as her plane took off.

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