When Old Feelings Come Back

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Chapter 8
( the next day )
Finns pov :
I walked into the choir room smiling and I haven't done that in a while. I'm not really sure what happened or what came over me but I think deep down I may still have feelings for Rachel. Its crazy I know but she's the first person who has made me smile ever since Catherine left and we have been through a lot together. What I am saying? We were drunk and both lonely plus I cheated on her when we were married so how could she ever love me again . Its just when we were together again kissing eachother her body on top of mine, holding eachothers hand and we made love, the sweet smell of her body , they way her skin touched me , the way she moaned . God what am I doing ? I just got divorced again and now I'm going back to her its like she's my weakness. If only I knew what the hell I was feeling I could be sure of what I want . This isn't just some fling theres something still there between us I just wish I knew what it was.

Rachels pov :
I sat there in the coffee shop feeling conflicted about what happened the other night with Finn. Don't get me wrong I liked having sex with him and having his tight strong hands around my body but I just don't know if either of us our ready for a relationship again . I don't even know if we be together again. All these feelings are so confusing not to mention I've been feeling really weird latley and sick . I'm sure its nothing but a little anxiety about everything thats been happening latley. I sat there drinking my camile tea waiting for my best friend Kurt who I haven't seen in 13 years. "Rachel!" Kurt said excitedly running into Lima Bean. I smiled and hugged him , "Hi Kurt, I've missed you so much!" I said happily. "So what are you doing here Ms.Rachel Berry the superstarlet of Hollywood?" He asked me as we sat down. "Well I got a letter from Mr.Shue asking me to come back for Finn saying that he needed me. " I told him. "And I'm assuming by the look on your face you slept with him." He said. "We were drunk and..." He interrupted me, "Rachel what are you doing to yourself ? You just got divorced for the second time and so did Finn. Are you sure you want to be his rebound?" He asked me . "I'm not his rebound Kurt and he's not mine. We talked for the first time in 13 years and it was a good talk and then our song came on and we danced it just felt right." I told him. "I don't Rach, I think you both need time to get to know eachother again before you do anything ." He said. "I don't even know what we are Kurt , I'm just so confused . " I said. "Well just don't rush into anything, you need to find yourself before anything else. " He said and I agreed . "You're right , it's time to focus on Rachel Berry for once. " I said.

Hey guys so I have a new book out called If You Knew the Truth . Its a glee story about all characters with a twist . So please read it if you want , its on my page. Thanks guys.

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