Chapter 21 (A.K.A The Epilogue)

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 Hey guys Payton here... and well this is going to be a very emotional chapter for me. It is the very last chapter to Prince Charming. I haven't exactly thought it through to make a sequel to it or not. What do you think? Should I? Or should I move on to bigger and better things? Like making a different book my baby that I spend whenever I can to write and update. Or should I just add to this one. Maybe change some things up. I don’t know. Let me know what you think. I don’t care what you have to say or how it comes out. I just want to know your feelings about everything with this book or if I should continue or not. Just please let me know.. well now on to the ending of the story. If I don’t cry before I get there haha.


“Yes Payton I’m home!” Katie says running up and giving me a hug.

“I can’t believe all of this has happend in the course of nine months." I say as the tears start to fall freely."

"You wanna know something else that has happened in the last nine months?" Katie says as Kendall warps his arms around her waist. 

"Katie what happened?" Logan asks as his eyes light up with excitment. 

"Whats with the sudden excitment?" Kendall asks cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy. 

"Well you see where my hand is? Its called Tylee kicked." He says grinning as she kicks again.

"Your having a girl and you didn't tell me!?" Katie says as her eyes mimmic Logans with excitment. 

"Well Katie your hiding something from me. So what is it?" 

"Oh yeah that." She says bitting her bottom lip and scratching the back of her neck.

"Kendall one of you two need to tell me before I start to cry." I say knowing my hormons will get to me eventually. 

"Well were having a baby." Katie says looking nervously between Logan and I.

"Are you sure its his?"

"Yeah I'm positive. I was late before I even went to Texas." 

"And you didn't get tested when you found out you were late or tell someone!?" I scream at her with my hands shaking.

"Payton calm down your going to make your water break." Logan says rubbing my back trying calm me down.

"Logan I love this kid to death but I'm ready for her to be out. You try fucking being pregnant for nine months, and then the baby being a week late!" I scream at him.

 "Babe chill."

"Theres no babe chill in this." I snap back.

"Payton you need to calm down please."

"Logan when you carry a baby for nine months and it be a week late then you can offically tell me to calm down. Until then theres no calming down to it!" I scream at him while walking into our room slamming the door behind me.

Logans POV

"Dude whats her problem?" Kendall asks when a phone starts going off. 

 Hello, wherever you are are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking by the bar? Tonight we do it big, and shine like the stars and we don't give a fuck' cause thats just who are and we are we are we are we are the crazy kids them crazy them crazy kids and we are we are we are we are we are the crazy kids we are we are the crazy people. 

 "Katie babe are you going to answer that?" Kendall asks as Katie starts dancing to her ringtone. 

"No I'm talking to you thats rude." She says answering the phone and walking out of the living room.

"Anyways Kendall. Its our first baby to be honest Tylee being late its making me freak out just as much as Payton." I say as I hear screaming from Katies phone being on speaker. 

"Does that sound like her parents?"

"Just a tad bit." I say as we both start laughing and her line goes silent. 

"Well guess what Kendall." She says walking back in there laughing like Kat from Victorious. 

"Katie what did you do?"

"Well you see my parents are coming to visit beings were having a baby." She says bitting her bottom lip.

"Their what!" Kendall starts but gets cut off by someone screaming. 

"Logan get your ass in here now!" Payton screams from what sound like the bathroom.

"What happened?" I asks running through the bathroom door. 

"The baby."

"The baby what?" 

"The baby is coming my water just broke."

"Are you serious go get in the car Ill grab your bag."

At the Hospital

"Logan it hurts so much." She says as tears start to form in her eyes. 

"Babe shhh go to sleep or atleast try to I love you and it will all be over soon." I say kissing her forehead as she closes her eyes. 

Paytons POV and seven hours later...

Pain and tears are all that come to mind right now. Oh and the fact that Logan and I just brought an adorable baby girl into this world.  Tylee Jo Henderson. She looks just like me except has Logan demples and brown hair. Shes perfect and now my world. I honestly can't wait to have a little boy because I want a mommas boy. I just know from the first second Logan saw Tylee she had him wrapped around her finger. Shes going to be a daddys girl. All the guys are going to want to be with her and well you know how protecive Dads are over their little girls. I just have one thing to say to them and thats good luck. Logans not letting go of his little girl anytime soon I can already see it.

Well the day has offically came. Prince Charming is now over. Should I write another book or just end it now. Please let me know what you think I should do. And the first to comment gets the dedacation.  XOXO Payton...

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