Chapter 16 Whore!

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Paytons P.O.V.

"It has been three days how much more time do you need Katie?" I ask looking at Kendall in Mine and Logans kitchen getting him and Logan beer.

"I don't know but I screwed up big time..." She says looking down at her phone as it rings.

"Let me guess Kendall?" I ask as she shakes her head yes. "Answer it and call me back when your done." I say hanging up our skype call and walking into the dinning room where Logan and Kendall are writing songs.

"Hey babe can you come here for a second?" Logan asks as I start laughing at him.


"I'm right here look up, and how much have you had to drink tonight?"

"This is just my first one Ive just been stressed out with having to write this song for the company." He says pulling me onto his lap.

"Babe no more for me please." I ask giving him my best puppy dog face.

"What is with you and not liking me to drink?"

"It has to do with my past I honestly don't want to talk about it." I say as he trys to pull my puppy dog face back on me.

"Not going to work Mr. now if youll excuse me I'm going to go swim since Kendall made us come home right before Disneyland." I say getting up from Logans lap only to be pulled down again. 

Katies P.O.V.

I can't believe I slept with him Ryan my ex for all people I just hope Kendall doesnt do what I did and leave. It was a mistake but I can't go home not yet I have some people from my past I need to find.

"Tanner have you seen Alex?"

"Alex as in Alex from high school?"


 "Well um you see she kinda is in jail right now.." He says looking at his phone pulling up the voicemail she left him. 

Hey Tanner its Alex I was just wondering if you would be a really great friend and come bail me out of jail the bail is only 1000 just please I got caught smoking last night and can't call my parents.

"Well thats what she gets for doing that in high school."

"Oh I know right."

"Well looks like I'm not going to see her."

"Nope but hey thats her own fault for smoking when we told her not too." 

"Haha right well I guess I better call Payton and tell her what I did last night beings I didn't tell her over skype." 

"Right well you do that." He says grabbing his keys and walking out the front door. 

Paytons P.O.V.

"Logan come here please." I scream from our bedroom to Logan downstairs.

"What babe?" He asks opening the door. 

"Come to bed."

"But I'm writing."

"Logan its two in the morning get your ass in bed you need sleep you pulled a allnighter last night I'm not letting you do it tonight aswell.

"You know your sexy when your bossy."

"You know I'm having your kid right?" I say cutting my eyes at him. 

"Yes I know." He says taking his shirt off giving me his million dollar smirk. 

"I'm not falling for it tonight." I say as my phone starts ringing.

Push push push rewind go go back in time when we were kids sneaking bottles of wine take take take me back I wanna go back back to what we had do you remember when we started this mess my heart was beating out of my chest  remember when we stole your dads car I never thought wed take it that far oh we were flying so high yeah partners in crime so why we ever say goodbye remember when we oh when we had it all. 

Phone convo

"Katie!' I say into the phone walking out into the hall.

"Payton you are going to kill me." 

"Why what did you do?"

"Last night I sorta slept with Ryan." 

"You what!?"

"I slept with my ex Kendall is going to hate me now."

"How drunk were you!?"

"Babe yelling at Katie isnt helping her figure out why she slept with him." Logan yells at me from the room.

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