Chapter 19- Say what now!?

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Katies POV

I decided after sleeping with Ryan for a second time its time to go home to Kendall. We have both made serious mistakes and Im over it it was one time with his Ex it can't be that bad right? I don't think so. Anyways I pulled into my driveway seeing Kendalls car home which is a good sign I hope. 

"Kendall Im home." I scream walking into the front door only to be greated by a girl moaning. 

What the hell is going on here one of the boys better be here with some chick it better not be Kendall. I think to myself walking into our room. 

"What the hell!?" I scream and run out of the room slaming the door behind me. 

"Katie? She just pushed herself on me and wouldnt stop." Kendall says chasing me down the hallway.

"Kendall this is the second time this has happend im gone. I can't keep doing this anymore your hurting me."

"I over heard yours and Paytons phone call Katie cut the shit. You cheated on me twice with your Ex, whats his name oh yeah Ryan." He says pinning me to the wall with his face inches from mine.

"Get away from me." I say storming out the door. Only to be followed out into the street by the bitch herself Jacey. 

"Hey Hoe he was my man first back off of him." She says grabbing my arm and spinning me around. 

"He might have been your first but you need to look in the mirror because im not the hoe you are."

"Oh yeah your name means whore."

"Thats it bitch your on." I say punching her in the face only for her to grab my hair. I get my arm around her neck and pin her to the ground even though its hurting my head and all because she has my hair. I do it anyways. "Bitch stay away from my man or I will hurt you much worse than I have today and remember something else its a promise not a threat. I dont lie about this shit back off." I say getting up and walking away only to hear Jacey saying something to Kendall.

"But Kenny she hurt me." 

"Get away from me Ive never loved you." He says running away from her towards me.

*Well what do you think will happen next? Because I could use some ideas of what could.. So let me know please. Oh and sorry this is short I just dont know what to write now.*

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