Chapter 12 - Attraction

Comenzar desde el principio

"Macy! I didn't realise you were working today." Andrew remarks, as he smiles at the girl working in the cafe.

She's gorgeous, with her cascades of golden blonde hair, porcelain skin and emerald eyes. I feel a pang of jealousy in my chest.

She grins at Andrew, "Well, I am! What can I get for you guys?"

"Two real fruit smoothies' thanks." He replies, grabbing his wallet out of the pocket of his shorts.

She nods and jots down his order whilst he pays.

"I'll pay for mine!" I protest.

He rolls his eyes, "Drinks are on me."

Macy sighs, "Aww, always the sweetheart, right, Andrew?" She looks up at me, "Hey, you're the new girl, aren't you?"

I nod, "Yup."

"This is Amber Hayes." Andrew tells her.

She beams at me, "Pleasure to properly meet you! We must catch up sometime at school, I'd love to hear all about you."

My brow furrows, "Err, thanks. Sure, will do..."

She giggles a little, before turning back to Andrew and giving him a quick hug over the counter.

"I'll get those drinks for you, find a seat!"

I raise my eyebrows at Andrew as the two of us head outside to take a seat under one of the giant white and lemon parasols.

"Who is that?" I ask.

He looks slightly taken back, "Woah, jealous much?"

I roll my eyes, "No... She's just, so, beautiful! And nice!"

He smirks, "Well, that, is Macy Gorgons. She's honestly really sweet, although she does hang out with Selina a lot."

"Did someone say my name?"

I look up, half expecting it to be Macy, back with our drinks.

But it's Selina herself.

She's got a guy with her who I think I saw last night and is dressed like a celebrity. In a soft blue sundress with large designer sunglasses and silver singback heels.

"Andrew, Amber. Lovely to see you two again." She remarks.

Before Andrew and I can reply, she takes a seat at our table, motioning for the guy she's with to join us too.

"Uh, Selina...Lovely to see you too." I choke out.

She smiles at me, "Likewise Amber. Did you enjoy the party?"

I nod, "Yeah, it was great."

"Oh, and I think I remember what you were trying to ask me last night. I'm fine thanks, that weird flu I got was a killer. But now I'm feeling better than ever.

The guy that's with her nods, "Yeah, that thing hit me too. So glad we could all bounce back from it."

Andrew and I share an uneasy look.

"Uh, sorry...I'm new here. Who are you?" I ask the guy.

Selina interrupts him before he can speak again.

"This is Damian, my boyfriend."

Damian smiles at me.

He seems sweet, with his light brown eyes and coffee toned hair. The absolute opposite of Luca, who Selina always seems to be hitting on.

I remember Ashlyn telling me about the guy, supposedly Selina is only dating Damian to get more votes for prom queen.

I can see why; the guy isn't cocky or broody like Luca. He seems to be more of a people person.

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