Losing Lorelei ~ Prologue

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   “What time do you call this?” Lorelei’s dad demanded from where he was standing at the bottom of the stairs just as Lorelei burst through the front door and slammed it not so softly behind her.

   “I don’t know.” Lorelei whispered, “You tell me.” Her words were slurred and posture slouched as she leant up against the cold wall behind her.

   Her dad licked his lips and sighed shaking his head in disappointment, “It is four o’clock in the morning, Lorelei.”

   “Oh, oops. You should probably be a bit quieter then,” She giggled, “Ssh!”

   “Lorelei!” Her dad shouted, “This is ridiculous! You cannot go out and drink every night! It’s dangerous!”

   “But I was at a party,” Lorelei replied with a shrug, “That’s what you do at parties.”

   Her dad didn’t say anything as Lorelei innocently pulled off her leather jacket, boots and shoved them to the side almost falling over as she did so.

   “Lorelei. This needs to stop.”

   “What needs to stop?” Lorelei asked as if she’d completely forgotten the last two minutes of their conversation.

   “Everything! Lorelei! You have ruined your life!” Her dad shouted, Lorelei looked taken back as her mum appeared at the top of the stairs rubbing her eyes tiredly.

   “What’s going on?” She asked, “Lorelei? I thought you were in bed? What are you doing down here?”

   Her dad huffed and then sighed again, “Lorelei has just got in.”

   “What?” Her mum gasped in disbelief as she walked down the stairs in her pyjamas and bare feet, “But you said…She told us…”

   “She lied.” Lorelei’s dad breathed turning around slightly so that he could face her mum, his wife.

   “Lorelei you just need…” Her mum trailed off not knowing what to say, “Let’s talk about this in the morning.”

   “Why!” Her dad exclaimed making Lorelei jump, “What use is that? It’s not like she’s going to listen! She just does whatever she pleases and doesn’t care how it affects us!”

   “Geoff please, you’re scaring her.” Her mum begged for him to stop, but he wasn’t finished.

   “Well maybe that’s what she needs!” He exclaimed, “A good scare to realise what she’s doing!” Whilst Lorelei’s parents were shouting at more each other than Lorelei herself, Lorelei rubbed her hand against her forehead and allowed all sorts of fuzzy thoughts to wrack her brain.

   “Lorelei!” Her mum snapped to grab her attention, “Go upstairs to your room.” She breathed.

   “But I don’t…I don’t feel well…” Lorelei said quietly.

   “Then maybe you shouldn’t have of drank so much.” Her dad muttered.

   “Geoff!” Her mum exclaimed as the two started shouting again. Lorelei’s vision became suddenly smudged, she opened her mouth to tell them again that she didn’t feel very well but all that came up was that night’s drink as she spewed it all over her dad’s feet. “Lorelei!” She heard her mum scream just before she passed out in her own puddle of vomit.


Ok guys so this is a prologue for my new story...

Tell me what you think of it :D

Happy reading xx

Losing Lorelei / z.mDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora