its totally barbaric!

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"We are to have a marriage law" the words came clearly out of Mcgonagall's mouth.

I spat out my pumpkin juice onto pansy.

"Ew, mione!" she squealed. I shot her a look of apology and yelled out.

"WHAT!?" the whole school stared at me, and pansy dripping with juice, with awe.

"We are going to have a marriage law for the seventh and eighth years. Your names will be called out of the sorting hat and you will be taken to your new dorms".Mcgonagall's says.

She pulls out the hat and it begins to speak names. I zone out for a bit but when I hear "harry potter and Ginny weasley" I start to pay attention.

The names are as follows

"Ron Weasley and pansy parkinson"

"Astoria greengrass and blaize zabini"

"Theodore nott and Luna lovegood"

"Draco Malfoy and Hermione gaunt"

I froze when I heard my name being called with Draco's. It couldn't happen. We are only just becoming friends and now they want us to marry? Its preposterous.

"By the end of the year you need to be pregnant in order to keep the wizarding population up as so many were lost in the war" Mcgonagall said and called us forward to be taken to our dorms.

I walked forward with the rest of the seventh and eighth years and Mcgonagall lead us to the seventh floor to a wall with Severus Snape on it. Ok, she is just going to use the head dorm for the married ones.

"Here are your dorms. The password is thestrals. Once you get on you will each find a door with both your name and the name the sorting hat called out for you to be with." Mcgonagall said and then she left us all alone waiting until someone broke the silence

"Thestrals" the word came so clear and cut through all the noise even if it was a whisper. I knew who has said it and the word rolled off Draco's tongue so easily.

The portrait opened and we all went inside. The room instantly turned itself into what we needed it to be.

I saw a lot of rooms that had the names above the doors and found mine and Draco's.

"Come on then mione! Lets check out the new room!" Draco says with false enthusiasm.

"Yes, why don't we do that and on the way see if there is a bath you can drown in!" I say sarcastically.

He just laughs and opened the door and pulls me in.

"You will have a set password or a spell to let you in" the portrait on the door says in a monotone voice.

I think about this for a while. "Mione we could do a password that is a sentence." Draco says to me.

"Draco? How about we do. I open at the close " I say referring to the quote on Harry's snitch.

"Yeah, I like that. How do you come up with awesome passwords?" he says to me.

I just shrug and tap my nose. I decide to look around the room for a bit.

The room itself was painted in a nice shade of green. There was a fire on one of the walls and chairs and a sofa. There was a book case and two doors.

The first door I tried was the left door that was baby blue in colour. I went in and saw a nursery. I closed the door and went through the other one. When I went through i saw a kingsized double bed in the middle with a side table other side of it. There was two wardrobes on either tideland a door.

I went though the door to find a bathroom. The bathroom was big and painted blue. It had a toilet and sink, a shower and a bath.

I walked back out into the bedroom and found draco sat on the bed.

"Looks like there is only one bed" he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, no! Either you sleep on the floor or on the couch in the other room" I said sternly, grabbing some pajamas to get changed into in the bathroom.

I came out a minute later to find draco on the floor, so I claimed into the bed. Seconds later I felt a dip in the mattress and warmth next to me, and that is why I woke up next to Draco Malfoy...


Sorry it has been so long but I was bussy with Christmas and stuff. Yesterday I had my grandparents and step grandma and step sister round for dinner and I had to 'play' with my step sister. She is ten and wouldn't let me do what I wanted to do (which was update this story) and stole my phone until I did it!

I will try to update sooner next time.




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