the resorting of older Hogwarts students

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I woke up to find a house elf talking my things downstairs. I sat up to look at the elf. This house elf looked very familiar.

"Winky?" I asked.

"Y-yes m-mistress?" the elf said shakily.

"Its good to see you again winky" I told it.

"Winky is glad to see mistress Hermione again miss" she said this time not shaking. I got my muggle clothes on and took my owl, midnight, in her cage downstairs.

I see my parents sat down and eating breakfast so I join them. I have bacon and eggs for breakfast with some pumpkin juice.

"So are you looking for going back to Hogwarts to finish off your year?" my mum asks me.

"Yes. It will be nice but we have a re sorting so we all had to buy plain Hogwarts robes" I tell them.

"But aren't you happy you will be put into Slytherin like the rest of your family?" my dad asks me.

"Yes but I will miss the Gryffindor common room ." I tell them sadly.

"Oh, we had better aperate to kings cross"my dad says looking at his watch. We nod and grab my stuff and grab each others hands and aperate.

We appear in the station and find the wall between platform 9 and 10 and go through it. We appear on platform 9 3/4 and see my group of friends waiting. I take my stuff from my parents and say goodbye to them before joining my friends.

"Hey mione" they all say to me.

"Hi. Should we be looking for a compartment?" I ask as we will not find an empty one if we leave it any later.

"Yeah" someone said and we all walked toward the train and got on it. We searched for a compartment and their was only one with two people in it.

"This will have to do" i told them as they nodded. We walked into the compartment and the two people looked scared and ran out. We all sat down and started talking about random stuff.

"So everyone. I got head girl" I said moving my hair out of the way to see my badge. Everyone smiled and congratulated me but Draco smirked.

"I got head boy!" he said showing us his badge. We all congratulated him on it as well. Soon we had all gotten into our robes and we arrived at hogsmead station.

We got off the train and got onto the carriages pulled by the thestrals. Nearly everyone could see them so the carriages were only pulling themselves to the first years who were looking from the boats.

We had arrived at the castle and we were stood around the sorting hat. We watched as the scared first years got sorted and then the second and third, fourth and fifth, sixth and seventh.

"Ginevra Weasley " professor Mcgonagall called out as Ginny walked to the stool. The hat was placed on her head and moments later it called out "Slytherin! " Ron freaked out about what his parents would say.

and finally the students that returned to redo the seventh year.

"Hermione Gaunt" professor Mcgonagall called out. I walked up to the stool and sat on it with the hat placed on my head.

'Oooh so its you again. I fought very hard not to put you where you belonged last time as I knew the secrets kept from you' the hat said to my mind. 'Hmm I still think that you would do good in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor but my final decision is to put you where you truly belong "Slytherin" the hat called out and I walked happily over to Ginny. The rest of the former Slytherins got Slytherin. Harry got in Slytherin,Luna and Neville got Ravenclaw and to Ron's fear he got Hufflepuff.

We sat at the table talking for a bit and then my brother came up to us with one of his friends. "This is my sister" James told his friend who was staring at me.

"James what house did you get into?" I asked smiling at him.

"I'm a Ravenclaw " he told me.

My friends looked around at me, all giving me questioning looks. "This is my brother, james" i told everyone. There were some people saying that he is cute and others saying how could I be related to a smart ass like him.

Once the feast was over professor Mcgonagall asked me and Draco to stay behind.

"So, you need to know where your common room is" Mcgonagall said.

"Yes professor" I said.

She gestured us to follow her and we did. She lead us up to the seventh floor. Then it hit me, the common room is the room of requirement.

"Professor, our common room is the room of requirement isn't it?" I asked her as we got to the wall.

"Yes" she said. She stopped at a wall and a portrait appeared. It was Snape.

"I shall let you choose the password. As you two were my top students" he told us.

"Hermione, just pick, I don't care what the password is" Draco told me.

"Erm how about, thestrals?" I asked

"Sounds good ( A/N Feels good!)"Draco said.

"The password is thestrals " I confirmed. Snape nodded and swung the portrait open. We walked inside and it revealed a massive green and silver common room like the Gryffindor one but in Slytherin colors. The room its self was massive with one on three walls. There was chairs and coffee tables and a massive bookshelf. I saw four doors. Two lead to our bedrooms which had our names over the door frame and the other lead to a bathroom that is connected to our rooms and the other is a room with everything to entertain a person in it, also connected to our rooms. I walked to my room and opened the door.

My room was massive and it had a queen sized bed in the middle of the room and it jar enchanted windows so you could see out but the students don't know its a window. My room had two doors connected to it. The two doors lead to the bathroom and the games room.

I closed the doors and went to get changed into my pajamas and got into bed. I let sleep finally take over me as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Hermione GauntWhere stories live. Discover now