"Grey's Anatomy, really?" Douglas suddenly says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, really. Did you not just hear what she said? She loves him. No, it does not make her pathetic for confessing it before he did. And no she is not the typical mistress if that's what your thinking" I say defensively before he could put his input.

Douglas raises his eyebrow at me and before he has a chance to speak his dorm room door opens. Standing there was Nathan. I never noticed it before but he was very attractive and easy going on the eye. He had leaf green eyes and a kind smile that made every girl love him instantly.

"Oh.. I didn't know you were having company over. Sorry, for intruding" Nathan says with a warm smile.

He starts to walk over towards us and extends out his hand for me to take.

"I don't think we've officially met. My name is Nathan, we have literature together and also I'm Douglas's roommate" He says with a great big smile.

"I'm Audrey Greyson" I say with a smile while I shake his hand.

"I know- I mean.. I've heard a lot about you" He stutters.

"Hopefully all good things" I chuckle scared it might be bad.

"Oh yes," He takes a seat diagonal from Douglas and I. "My friend, Danny likes you very much"

"Oh is that why you handed me his number the other day during Literature?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

He rubs the back of his neck. "I was hoping you'll forget that. Danny made me do it, but I told him that wasn't a good idea to do since you and Douglas are dating-"

I widen my eyes in shock. Douglas and I dating? Where would he get an idea like that? I am just so confused. I can never see Douglas and I dating. I would never be able to take his mood swings and his need to always be right even though we both shared that trait.

He can be very cruel at times to people and to me as well. When he isn't though he can almost seem like a dream. Like he isn't really himself since we've been too accustomed to seeing his bad side.

"We are not dating" Douglas inputs on Nathan and I's conversation.

"Oh, I thought you guys were since I saw you two arguing the other day in the hall... I thought it was because Danny called Audrey, Bambi and he gave her his number" Nathaniel explains seeming genuinely sorry.

"No, we're not" Douglas says staring at the television in front of us.

It became an awkward silence after that. Maybe perhaps because of the way Douglas talked to Nathan. Perhaps he was annoyed by Nathan and if not I did not know what was wrong with him.Nathan rises from his chair and smiles at both Douglas and me most likely trying to get away from the awkward aura. Douglas doesn't smile back, in fact, he seems almost mad. But, mad at what? Nathan?

Nathan leaves the room trying to give Douglas and I space. I didn't really want to talk to Douglas though. I didn't want to face his bipolar self alone. In fact, I hesitated to talk to him at all. I didn't want him to know I felt like he was mad though.

"So, what were you going to tell me about-"

"Nothing" Douglas says simply.

"I don't think that's what you were about to tell me" I say with a sharp tone.

"Well, it was so... You can either take it or leave it. I don't really care" He tells me rudely.

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