Chapter 4

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"I'm so excited for breakfast!" Rachel yells, loudly with excitement.

She was looking at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair, and smiling at herself. While I was laying on my stomach on my bed reading a book and trying to pay attention to her at the same time.

"Why?" I ask with a confused face.

She rolls her eyes. "Because we'll be getting boys' numbers with the way that we look today"

I smile, here's Rachel for you ladies and gentlemen. She has that type of confidence that sometimes I wish I had when I needed it. Having blue crystal, doe-shaped eyes and bouncy blonde hair, boys swooned over her. Not just having one boyfriend in the past but about twelve, she was considered a boy magnet. She's not a slut, don't get those two mixed up. She can be very shy at times, but also very bubbly and fun to be around.

Once Rachel was done looking at herself in the mirror, I decided to put my book down. I got up from my bed and put on a small sweater over my outfit since it was always cold in the halls of the school. Once we open our dorm room door I felt almost every eye on us. It could just be my imagination or my social anxiety, but I could tell that everyone was shocked. Not only because everyone has stopped walking and doing what they were doing. But, because no one was saying a single word.

"Oh my goodness everyone's checking us out, even girls!" Rachel scream whispers into my ear.

I didn't respond to Rachel, because I was too nervous to. Taking a slight turn left, we continue our route to the cafeteria for breakfast. Then again the whole room stops doing what they were doing and gawked over us like we were bacon. That is at least what I thought they were looking at, but they weren't. Douglas came strolling into the cafeteria behind Rachel and me.

I turn to look at him but he ignores my look and continues to go find a table. Girls were drooling over him and boys were envying him, sending him glares. He was beautiful and it wasn't his fault, I thought mentally to myself.

"Ugh, that guy stole our show but at least we get to eat breakfast," Rachel says to me with a smile.

"Yeah" I mutter under my breath and look over at Douglas.

He had a dark red apple in front of him. No one was sitting next to him or even at the table he was sitting at, at all. I felt bad, but maybe he didn't want anyone near him. Douglas picks up the apple and shines it by huffing on it then whipping it on his shirt. He looks up and makes direct eye contact with me then he bites it.

"Hey, your pretty cute Bambi," A voice says making me break eye contact with Douglas.

I turn to my side to see a tall muscular boy next to me with dark blue, ocean eyes. He has dirty blonde hair making him look like a brunette but in reality, he wasn't. I stare at him for a while then smile sweetly at him.

"Me?" I ask and put a hand on my chest.

He chuckles. "Yes, you"

Smooth talker.

"What's your name, Bambi?" He asks me with a pearly white smile.

"Not Bambi" I mutter under my breath.

I open up my wallet and take out five dollars handing it to the lunch lady. Suddenly, I hear the dirty blonde hair boy laugh making me turn to look at him. What's so funny?

"Let me guess your name's, Brittany?" He questions me.

"Do I look like a blonde to you?" I say and hold up a piece of my hair.

"Well no-"

"It's Audrey. My name's, Audrey Greyson" I say with a smile.

The boy smiles and his eyes light up a lighter shade of blue most likely because he now knows my name.

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