Fading-Chapter 1

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It was about 10:30 where I live in Wisconsin and I just about to finish watching the newest Teen Wolf episode on the TV in the kitchen. Near the end of the episode my dad walks into the kitchen while I am trying to concentrate on the heartbreaking moment happening before be, when his voice just interrupted it all.

"Don't forget to do the dishes, actually just clean the entire kitchen." He barks. For a second I had forgotten where I was and who I was occupying a house with. 

Looking around the room I realize that the mess that is there is all from him and what he did for his own dinner.

Begrudgingly I start to clean up when again I hear his voice "Don't forget the other room." I had never lost my temper before with him, knowing exactly what would happen, but for some reason tonight felt different and I actually let myself be angry. I was angry that I was treated the way I was by him. I was angry that it was an every night occurrence and I was angry that I had just let the treatment slide by every other time. 

When I turn around for the sink to find he is right in my way, and the anger continues to rise, "If you want me to clean then leave so I can actually do something" I snap at him. Looking back it doesn't seem like much, but it was just enough to know that I would get a reaction. 

"Stop trying to be funny you're just going to get me mad" He snaps back. I see my mom step into the kitchen doorway, just watching with a worried looked on her face. 

"I'm not trying to be funny, you tell me to do something and then you just stand there in my way, how am I supposed to do it if you are just there?" 

He seems to finally register the anger on my face and back tracks and goes towards the steps to go upstairs while saying, "Just do what I tell you for once without the comments". 

Again its like I can't seem to keep my own mouth shut tonight and snap back, "When don't I do your fucking bidding?"

While I am recognizing the own annoyance and anger, I have failed to notice that this small "fight" is also getting to him. 

I look over at him and it's like something inside on him just snaps, he come stalking over to me and I look up at him while he is towering over me with his height "What did you say to me?"

In this moment it's like I have decided to just ignore every aspect of possible danger in this situation, everything about this feels like its not actually supposed to be happening. From the corner of my eye I see that  my brothers have come downstairs and are now standing behind my mom. I stare straight into his eyes that are hooded with anger and spit back "You heard exactly what I said".

That's when he officially snaps, and out of the corner of my eye I see his arm come up and towards my face and with no time to do anything I feel his clenched fist hit the side of my face with such force that I fall to the ground as I'm falling I must hit my head on the edge of the counter. My brothers finally seem to come out of their shock at what just happened and come towards my dad attempting to pull him back. But,  he wasn't done yet, I then felt a hard blow to my stomach and side and go flying into the wall behind me, hitting my head, again, on the wall as my back slams into it.

My eyes are blurry and I can tell my nose is bleeding, I also feel something dripping down the side of my face and onto my neck. But, I can still see my mother in the corner of the room sobbing and looking over the scene in front of her in horror. Looking at her daughter on the ground bleeding and knowing it was because of my father, her husband. Seeing my brothers going after our dad because of what he did.

That's when everything starts to fade and the noises me become muffled, my sight goes black and I finally fall into unconsciousness.


3/21/2020 - Edited


Heyy!! Well that was the first sorta chapter. How was it?

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I promise that the chapters to come will be longer. Sorry this one was sorta short.

Thanks xx

Switching Between (Teen Wolf Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz