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“Ahh, no Harry, I called dibs! I definitely called dibs!” Zayn was now shaking his head looking from me to Harry but I couldn’t remember him calling dibs either. How could they? None of us had met Claudia until today. And well not that I would call dibs, I mean I normally would over other girls but she was different. Even so, I did properly meet her first and I actually spoke to her, like a full on conversation unlike Harry and Zayn whom just had little run ins. So doesn’t that give me some kind of dibs? Or at least first shot or something.

“Guys come on, I called dibs in front of all of you! After I came back from the pool on the first night at the hotel! Remember I said I met a hot blonde in the lobby and I had total dibs on her!” Harry was now staring at Liam and Louis, waiting for either of them to back him up on his point. But I was still looking at the ground. How did Liam pick up on anything, I wasn’t being that obvious was I?

“No Harry! I’ve got dibs; I met her in the alley behind the hotel on the first night. She was the chick smoking that I said worked at the hotel. And you were all in the room when I spoke about her and when I said dibs!!” Zayn and Harry started bickering between themselves about who had first dibs. But I couldn’t focus enough on their conversation to say anything; my mind had jumped back to her.

So she was the blonde Harry told us about. The one who split tea on him and was laughing nervously when he caught her checking him out. And she was the one Zayn was with in the back alley, which meant she smoked. Usually that bothers me, quite a lot actually but I don’t know. It doesn’t seem to be a pressing matter right now. I was focused more on the fact that she had met two members of a famous boy band and not actually made a move on either of them. None of the boys, including myself, expect all girls to flirt with us or want to sleep with us, but they generally do. So why didn’t she? She had met Harry without a shirt on and Zayn in a back alley dark at night with no one around and she did nothing. Why? I had been searching my mind for an answer for so long that I blocked out Harry and Zayn’s bickering but then Liam’s loud voice drew me back into the conversation.

“GUYS! Seriously you two need to stop the pointless arguing of who is getting this girl because neither of you are and that is that. So stop calling dibs and stop saying you had her first, she’s a person, she does get a choice in this. And besides, you two both have millions of girls throwing themselves at you anyway, so just leave this one alone, alright?” Liam spoke slowly, pausing and staring at Harry then continuing and pausing and staring at Zayn. Both of their faces dropped as Liam finished speaking but I couldn’t help but grin. Harry and Zayn wouldn’t piss off Liam by doing something he had specifically told them not to do, which in this case worked in my favor.

“Now Niall, you obviously actually like the girl, unlike those two who just want to get into her pants, so what are you going to do about it?” Liam stared directly at me and all the other boys turned their heads in my direction. I felt my face go bright red and I opened my mouth to speak, the words not wanting to come out.

“Oh, I uhm I g-guess I could talk to her may-maybe.” I was stuttering like a babbling idiot. Great Niall, way to seem cool and smooth around your 4 best friends who have no problems with getting girls. Why do I have to do this…

It wasn’t that I didn’t have girls throwing themselves at me, it’s just I didn’t know how to act when they did. I would usually say something and screw it up and they would walk away. Well, not all girls but it does happen to me occasionally. And when you’re in a world famous boy band, those things aren’t really meant to happen, but they do. Both Liam and Louis have girlfriends but the rest of us are single. Which means I get to compete with Harry and Zayn for girls attention and it’s never fun…

“Come on Niall, this girl is fit! You need to get in there now because knowing girls like her, which I do, she will have a guy any day now!” Harry was right, she was fit and she could easily have any guy. So what chance did I have? People assume cause of the band that it makes getting girls easier, but that only works for fans really. Most other people judge us to be annoying little kids or horrible, well for lack of a better word, man whores. And when we really are neither, it makes everything harder.

The LabyrinthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz