Chapter 12: Logic vs. Passion

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Leaning outside of the window, I saw Alex there, looking as handsome as ever, despite seeing only the top of his head. Even with my hesitation around him now with the whole 'werewolf' thing, nobody could deny he was definitely the most good looking person in Westlebrook. No, I take that back. The planet!

"Stop it!" I yelled/whispered to myself in the comfort of my own room. I could not let myself fall into the trap again of letting him in. It would only bring more pain to my life, pain I definitely didn't need. His easy going attitude, and immensely good looks hid the danger that came in the extremely well-wrapped package. 

I skipped down the stairs, and headed towards the door. Giving myself a second to compose and making sure those emotional walls were firmly up, I released the physical barrier and opened the door.

He was even more good looking close up, with his chestnut hair swept up and to the side, the tight fit of his jeans, and the rippled muscles that pulsed beneath the stretched leather jacket. A small smile played on his lips, but it did not hide the diminished glint that used to sparkle in his eye. This man was broken. 

I kept my voice tight and short, still keeping my distance even though I wished there was another way. In his hands held the quaintest, and most beautiful bouquet of wild flowers which tugged even more at my resolve.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" The door was still in my hand, as in my head I struggled between closing it completely, or throwing it wide open.

His stare was focused on my eyes and he said with sincerity, "I wanted to see you. I didn't like how we left things."

"We left things the way they needed to be left." I said sharply, feeling guilty the entire time. "My idea of the world as I knew it shattered, and now I'm just trying to pick up the pieces. I need normalcy. I don't need to be in anymore pain than I already am. I - I ... just can't take it." The conversation needed to end as fast as possible, or I was not going to be able remain strong.

This was met with silence, as he processed what I had said. Nodding slightly, he spoke quietly, "You have been through a lot. I understand that, and I also get that you aren't ready to share. But I need you to know, even if it makes no difference, that I am here for you."

"Alex, please-"

"No, I need to say this." My resolve was now crumbling. "You may not want me in your life, but that won't stop me from looking out for you, making sure you're ok. You already mean so much to me, and I couldn't bare it if something were to happen." 

He looked away, having said what he needed to, and now left me to respond. His body language was cautious as if he thought one movement would have me running for the hills. Even though, I knew it would be the most logical and safe thing to do, my body instead responded by stepping forward. I was drawn to him like a magnet, our bodies moving as one, and no matter what I thought was logical, it could not keep me away from him. 

My hand on the door fell, and I had stepped into the doorway completely now, my entire self visible and vulnerable to him. The movement made his head prick up and he watched me carefully to see my next move. I didn't even know what that was going to be.

Seconds passed and my determination to keep my distance had now turned to dust. Lunging for him, wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his with the built up passion that had haunted me since our kiss last week. I had caught him off guard but he now responded by pulling my close to him firmly with his arms tight around my waist. 

His hands came around my legs and lifted me up to wrap them around his waist. This startled me and I gasped, which gave him the opportunity to add some tongue into the mix. To give us some privacy he stepped through the doorway, and I closed the door with the free hand that was not entangled in his hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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