The Worst Feeling....

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The worst feeling to me, is when people judge me for being different.  They may think that it doesn't hurt, and it's just joking.  But I end up taking it to the heart.

No matter who you are , where you're from, or how old you are. People will judge you, and it hurts.  They do it even more when you're different.

If you're Emo, Scene, Goth. People could hurt you even more, bullies don't care if they know you, or your past.  They just hurt you, and enjoy it mostly.  Yet they never see how much they really hurt you.  They judge you on the way you dress, and act.  But they don't care enough to know you personally.  It hurts. So badly they end up being drove to suicide, and it sucks!  But they bully doesn't care when you're alive, but they do when you're dead.

It's hard when you' are/a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender.  They call you a freak, stupid, useless, and worthless.  Most people wouldn't really care much if you was Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, or Trans.  But some would just socially unfriend you.  They won't care for you anymore.

When you have an Eating Disorder (ED) or you self harm, people they don't really notice.  And some people with them wish that somebody would just notice.  But they don't until it's to late. And it sucks, and hurts.  It's as if you don't have anyone to help you, and you wish you did.  Eating disorders, is not by choice.  It's by what people say to you.  "fat", "ugly", "cow", and more.  It hurts. So damn bad, and you can't stop it.  You don't know why they call you that, but you get it into your brain that what they are saying is true.  but its not.

It's just we are Society Outcast, and Societies Victims.


I have a secrete and yes I'm afraid to tell people.  I don't wanna get judged.  I have trust issues with new people. I hate having the feeling that I'll get judged.  I really do.

But I guess I'll tell you.

I'm a seventh grader that's facing, A Eating Disorder, Self Harm, and now being Bisexual.  I know that I am probably going to get bullied, and hurt when I got into High School.  But I hope I'm ready to face it. I'm okay with being bi I just hate being picked on.

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