He Said~Poem~

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~He said~

He said he wouldn't show no one

Said he would be nice

But he got what he wanted for awhile

But you wanted to stop

Wanted to just try to be normal again

But he threaten to show people

To be the b*tch he said he wouldn't be

I was beautiful, skinny, and great

But now everything changed

I'm now its...

-"Fuck off whore I never liked u or "loved" u"

-"Ur just a stupid slut tht I used for pic"

-"Go cut yourself u fat bitch"

-"Fuck off u ugly pimple slut"

I should of learned from the last time, and the other times

I'm just useless and unwanted

My own parents don't see the change

I just wish. I could be great

But if I was then I wouldn't wanna die

So bye.... Hopefully just for now, and NOT for ever....

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