4. Bridges (Part One)

Start from the beginning

The view steals at my breath. A long rope bridge crosses over to the other side of a large chasm and vanishes into a thick smog. Below the bridge, the ocean roars and waves crash against the jagged rocks at the foot of the cliff. Various caves mark the mountain wall eroded by the hands of time and the elements. Though the openings appear small, my fear isn't. A troll could be hiding in any of those caves—a troll could be staring me in the face and I wouldn't be able to see it, not until it wants me to see it. Not until it's too late. My lack of magic doesn't just make me an outcast, but also makes me blind to many things of magic, including the Trolls. As much as instincts tell me that I should be cautious of Roane, I need to trust him. Not just as my protector, but as my eyes.

Roane abandons the forest lines and approaches the bridge. Trailing my gaze along the scenery, I ease closer to him. Trolls are vicious and just as repulsive. They're said to appear hunched over, a massive arched spine protruding from their backs. Their skin is covered in boils and puss oozes from their pores. The worst is supposed to be their eyes, said to be the window of all evil.

I inch a little closer, whisper, "Are you sure about this?"

He steps onto the bridge, turns and holds a hand to me. "Trust me. I'll keep you safe."

Aunt Sabana always says hands are the first to show signs of any emotion. While mine clutch at my sleeves in uncertainty, his hand doesn't waver. I take comfort in that confidence, nod, and force my feet forward.

The wood planks groan when I step onto them. Dread makes the emptiness below me grow and scream, but I grasp the rope and fix my eyes on Roane's waiting hand. Another step and my gaze drops to the expanse below. The waves' liquid fingers reach out as if telling me not to go. I slide my hand into Roane's, wishing that were a choice.

The fusion is instant. I gasp and clutch the railing tightly as the physical world mists away in vines and curls of light and smoke. It's as if a fog has been cleared from my eyes, a screen door opened in my soul. Though this world I see is the same, everything has changed. It's magic, and with it, I can hear the forest. Hear the trees' sighs echo into the wind. Hear water trickle through their small veins. Creatures of the night tap away to one another, secret conversations I'm now privy to. Hauling in a deep breath, I relish the layers of scents that waft past; the lemony scent of pine, the musky dampness of rotting bark.

I turn my eyes up and I'm rooted. Clouds melt down as if the sky is bleeding. The swirls of white smoke touch the ground, continuously wrenching, infusing the ground with its essence. Droplets of water rise from the ocean, toward the clouds. I release the railing and reach out to touch one. The infinitesimal yet visible bead plops against my finger, but then materializes once more and joins its rising brothers. The bond is unbreakable. It's a cycle of life, of magic.

A broken laugh escapes me. This is how all magicians say it feels the first time they come into their powers, the first time they feel to truly see. This is what it feels like to have real magic—an infinite connection with nature, with the elements that make up the world and our lives. The beauty of it all spills from my eyes. Though standing in the most dangerous place I've ever been, I've never felt more alive.

Roane sighs, his brown eyes apologetic. "Look, I'm really sorry about back there. I know I'm asking a lot, but we need to move." His fingers loosen around mine—

"No." I hold his hand tighter. "Don't let go, please."

Magic hums as electricity from his hand to mine, vibrates into my soul in the most natural of connections. Unable to care about time and space, unable to care that he's Sharing his magic with me, I tighten my grip and close my eyes lost in the sensation, led by the need to feel more, to hear more of the magic that now travels my veins. I understand now why Warlocks do what they do. With simply bits of Roane's magic, I already want more. I want it all.

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