Fistful of Reefer: scene 36, 37 & 38

Start from the beginning

“You’ve played me today, and gotten away with it. But I wouldn’t gloat if I were you. There are a lot of transgressions a man can be found guilty of. I’ll make sure one of them finds you in the end.” With that he holstered his Colt, turning his back on the old bastard before he could see him grin.

“This’ll do. Come on, everyone grab a shovel and start digging in a different spot.” Chloe unloaded shovels from the back of the wagon. “Just dig up the surface enough to make it look like we buried the stuff here.”

Chancho spit in his hands and rubbed them together. “And you’re sure the marihuana’ll be alright?”

“Chancho!” Nena chided him. “What he meant was, are you sure you won’t get in trouble for hiding the marihuana.” The unlikely group started working beneath the shade of a large pecan tree surrounded by a thicket of unruly live oak.

Chloe smiled and wiped her brow. “Marihuana. Booze. It ain’t no fun to have a hidey-hole if you don’t get to use it.” She turned another shovel full of dirt before driving the tip into the soft soil again with her boot. “And who’ll ever find it? Naw. He finished building that trap door in the barn this past winter. He’s already started stocking up on his favorite whiskeys. He’s got the whole operation mapped out in his head. Hiding your marihuana’ll only make it more fun. Nothing’s more fun for my daddy than sticking it to the law.”

“I apologize, Miss O’Brien.” Chancho dipped his head as he continued to dig. “I didn’t mean to infer more importance upon our humble harvest than on you and your family’s wellbeing.”

“Oh nonsense. I understand your concern. And I’ll personally take care of turning the leaves so they dry evenly, just like you showed me. They’ll cure up nice in the cellar and be waiting for you when you return.”

Muddy worked his shovel quickly, turning scoop after scoop of soil without looking up. “Just keep digging.”

Chancho rededicated himself to the shovel and tried to think positively. If they could lose the rinche, eventually the dust would settle. He still had Muddy and Nena. Together they could circle back and pick up the rest. Muddy’s old cavalry compañeros could help them hide out. But he couldn’t stop wishing that none of the mess had ever happened.

After a long pause Chloe picked up the conversation from before. “Besides, people’ve been jumping at shadows for months now. Everybody’s shooting at everybody, and the government is just making it worse.” She kept working the tip of her shovel with graceful movements while sweat dribbled down her face and neck causing the light fabric of her blouse to cling to her breasts.

“Wildcatters are littering the land north and west of here with derricks, exploiting the ignorant and robbing ‘em of the land’s wealth with the help of fat-cat bankers who’re making sure the government gets their share.” Chancho caught Chloe’s eye as they dug. She smiled before tugging her drooping blouse back into place and finishing her sermon. “The whole damn machine is chewing up the land faster than the common folk can respond to it.”

“I’ve never seen a boom town.” Chancho offered.

“You ain’t missing much.”

The four kept at it for another few minutes until the humus of the forest floor hung thick in the air. “Alright, that’s good enough. Just toss the shovels back in the wagon. Hurry up. We’re trapped if he catches us in here.” Chloe tossed her shovel in and brushed her hands off.

Chancho grabbed her by the shoulders, looking her in the eyes. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

“Of course. Don’t be silly. What sort of trouble could me and Hermila get into?”

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