Fire Dragon Monkey and Bull

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A Changed Story


Fire Dragon, Money, and Bull

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Lucy and Sunshine both said as Natsu and Happy looked at the doors with a look of awe printed into their features, Lucy opened the doors; "We're back!"

"We're home!" Sunshine said as they all walked in, "I heard you went all out in Hargeon Lucy, you just had to go starting trouble-" and a kick was sent flying to his face along with a scream; "LUCY KICK!" the whole guild burst into laughter "YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" he said jumping to his feet but before Lucy could respond Natsu jumped in the middle yelling; "A FIGHT? I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!" and punched him into a whole bunch tables "Now now Natsu, I think you need to calm dow-" Happy was trying to reason with him but was knocked into and bounced off a whole bunch of people in the process. Next thing you know the whole guild was in one giant brawl to see who the best was. Lucy just sighed and went to sit at the bar when Gray stood up and looked at Natsu; "who's the newbie?" Gray asked Lucy, "His name's Natsu, he's a dragon slayer like me!"

"Oh great, now we've got another one!" Gray said ,mocking annoyance "What's that supposed to mean?!"  She replied giving him a 'Lucy kick' and sent him flying across the guild and into Natsu in only his boxers. "GRAY! YOUR CLOTHES!" Cana yelled while taking a sip of her wine. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!" Gray yelled back and looked over the new guy "What you looking at pervert?" Natsu asked Gray, "Who are you calling a pervert? Salamander?"

"You! You pervert! You're not wearing any clothes!"

"GRR SHUT UP AND FIGHT MEEEE!" Gray yelled throwing a punch at Natsu, "Sure thing pervert." Natsu replied throwing a punch at him. And so the battle ensued, until a naked Gray landed on top of Lucy and Natsu stood in front of the two swinging Gray's boxers in hand. "Lucy, can I borrow your under-" Gray was cut off by another 'Lucy kick' "NOT AGAIN YOU PERVERTED SNOW CONE!" Lucy shouted after him. "Okay guys, I suggest you knock it off!" Cana said lifting up a card and a turquoise magic circle appeared in front of it, "Oh yeah? Says who?" Gray asked putting his hands in his 'ice make' position being surrounded by a cold mist as a blue magic circle came off of his hands. Then Elfman came out of nowhere with a purple magic circle coming off his one arm, then his arm turned into rocks. Loke was off to the side turning his ring so a green magic circle came off of it as he said; "You punks can be suck a nuisance..." Then Natsu light his hands on fire, the same way Lucy did it when battling Bora (but she had light), and exclaimed; "I'm ready for yah!" but then a giant foot stomped the ground and everyone looked up to see a towering figure. He looked around and bellowed; "You must be foolish, stop bickering like children!" everyone in the guild stopped what they were doing and froze. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still here Master," Mirajane said sweetly from behind the towering figure with no trace of fear what-so-ever. "HAHAHA! Man! Talk about a bunch of babies! Looks like I won this round you los-" but before Natsu could finish, 'Master' squished him with his giant foot, "Well seems we've got a new recruit," he said looking at the pink haired mage he just squashed. "GRRRRARAAAWWWWW!" He was yelling as he was surrounded by dust as he started shrinking in size, when he was done he ended up being about up to Lucy's waist in height with and orange and blue striped hat, white hair splaying out of the sides, and a white moustache. He wore an orange jacket with blue cuffs and a white shirt underneath with the Fairy Tail symbol on it along orange shorts. For shoes he had brown 'elf' like shoes. He stood up straight and raised his hand to wave hello and said; "Nice tah meet'cha!" Natsu stood up and looked down, "He's tiny! This little guy's really in charge here?" he asked to no one in particular, "Of course he is! Allow me to introduce you to the Fairy Tail guild master; Makarov!" Mira responded. Makarov turned around and jumped up on top of the railing on the second floor, but hit the railing on his way up. Once he was standing and ready he coughed to clear his throat and catch everyone's attention, "You've gone and done it again! You bunch of clods! Just take a look at how much paperwork the magic council sent me this time! This is the biggest pile of complaints yet!" He said holding out a stack of papers and waving them around, "Have you lost your minds?! All you kids are good for, is getting the 'higher ups' mad at me!!" He was shaking and trembling with anger now, "However," he continued, and brought the stack of papers up high enough so everyone could see them easily. He then proceeded to light them on fire, "I say; to hell with the magic council" and he threw the flaming papers the side, Natsu then jumped up and started eating them. "Now listen up! Any power that surpasses reason still comes from reason right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power; it is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus, it should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following the rules then our magic will never progress! Don't let those blowhards on the council scare you, follow the path you believe in! 'Cause that's what makes the Fairy tail guild number one!!" he said while raising his right hand in the 'number one' formation, but with the thumb pointed outwards to make it an 'L', and the whole guild burst out in cheers doing the same thing. Natsu looked at Lucy in awe and Lucy gave Natsu a little proud smile, as they both did the same 'L' thing with their right hands.

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