Chapter 8

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Kon's POV:

The duel was on!

My friends were cheering me on, the crowd was pumped, I was a bit drunk, and Trina was transfixed on the match! I was going to win!

I had a few good hits, but Konnie was skilled. We traded staff blows equally. It was truly a battle of wills.

"Your pretty good! For a grojbandian." Konnie said as she attempted a strong swipe.

I parried the blow and smiled.

"Your not bad either, for a Newman! But you aren't going to win!" I said as I moved backward, I was going to ram her with every ounce of power I had. I took a deep breathe, then I charged.

Kin's POV:

My bro had charged at Konnie as hard. Konnie wasn't prepared for his strong attack. It knocked her clean off the bridge. Kon had won.

The crowd was in a frenzy chanting!

"Kon! Kon!"

Kon looked like he was about to cry tears of joy. I had never seen him look so happy.

Sheen helped Kon off the stage, and Kim had helped her sister, Konnie get out of the stale beer.

"Here is your champion folks!" Shen exclaimed as the crowd cheered.

"Let's see what our judges have to say on that action."

The attention turned to the judges table. Party Danimal was first to speak.

"That was totally worth 20 awesomes dude. I would party with you anyway of the week, my Booze chugging compadre!" Party Danimal said as the crowd cheered in agreement. The light than went to nick's chair, which was empty. But Nick got back just in time. He looked pretty happy.

"Nick didn't see the final bout take place, but Nick will assume that it was pretty cool." Nick answered honestly. Not a single person questioned why he was late. On a side note I saw Mina appear roughly around the same time as Nick did, probably just a coincidence though.

Then the spotlight went to Trina. Knowing her, it would be a total insult. You can imagine the crowd's (and my) surprise at what happened next.

"I just have to say, congratulations! You like totes deserve to win. (Giggle)." Trina said sweetly.

I would bet my left kidney that Trina is drunk. But the crowd still went with it.

Sheen than motioned to the rigged water slide.

"It's all yours buddy! Have fun."

Kon jumped for joy, and ran for the slide.

"That's all folks, go and enjoy the party." Sheen said as the crowd dispersed.

Kon looked down from the top of the slide.

"Do you guys want in?" Kon asked happily.

"I am so in! What about you guys?" I exclaim as I waited for Corey and Laney's answer.

"You guys can go ahead. The slide seems kinda messy to me." Laney answered in her normal tone. To be honest, I expected that. Laney never wants to do anything weird fun.

" You and Kon have fun, I think I will chill down here." Corey answered flatly.

"I... Okay. Join us if you change your mind." I say as I run up to my brother.

I was honestly surprised that Corey wasn't interested. This was his usual kind of fun. Now that I think about it, Corey has been acting weird since he met up with us. He is all touchy with Laney (more than normal), he turned down an activity that he would normally be all for, and he was focusing more on Laney then anything else.

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