Chapter 5

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Kon's POV:

After Corey went inside for a drink. We looked around and saw that there was a sick pool. And not only that, it had a water slide!

"Kin, do you see what I see?" I ask knowing that my twin knew what I was referring to.

"You know it! Let's go!" Kin exclaimed as we ran to the pool side. By the pool, there were tons of people. But most were in a huge crowd circling something.

Curious by the large crowd, Kin and I stopped in our tracks to see a stage in front of the pool and what appeared to be a competition, in which Sheen was the host.

"Hello party people! It is time to see who get gulp the most booze. It's the Drunk Chump Challenge! If you think you can hold your beer the best, I am awarding the winner a slide down my modified water slide that is filled with delicious Melted chocolate!" Sheen announced.

I was 1000% in.

"Kin, I'm doing this." I say as I head to the stage.

"You got this bro!" Kin cheered from the front of the crowd.

Sheen took notice of me taking the stage.

"Looks like we have ourselves a challenger! And it is my broham Kon!" Sheen announced enthusiastically.

"Anyone ballsy enough to take on Keg Kon!"

Suddenly a slightly hefty blonde approached the stage. I knew right away it was Konnie.

"I will knock him down a peg!" Konnie challenged.

"You got that Loser beat Sis!" A girl that looked like the female version of my brother yelled. It was Kim.

"Well we got ourselves a battle of the sexes here tonight! Challengers please take a seat." Sheen said as he motioned to the plastic chairs behind the long white table.

Konnie and I took our seats on opposite sides of eachother. Ready for a competition.

"This competition will consist of 3 rounds. The first is the seven alarm spicy shots of shame. The second is the keg crusher. And the final even in case of a tie is the beer brawl. I will explain each event as we go through. I would also like to introduce our judges." Sheen said as he introduced the challenge. Sheen motioned to a judges table that was hidden from view until revealed by plot relevance.

The first judge was the party judge himself, Party Danimal (author's Note: not sure if that was his name, but that is what it said. You know the guy from the pox episode). His curly reddish brown hair held down by his backwards hat.

"Our first judge is the part critic himself, Party Danimel!" Sheen exclaimed with joy.

"I can't wait to see this go down. Party on." Party said as he smiled at the crowd.

"Our next judge is the coolest guy in peaceville, Nick Mallory." Sheen announced.

"Nick hopes that the two of you will do your best." Nick said as he casually patted his brown hair. All the ladies in the audience swooned over the 18 year old hunk. I had to admit I was jealous of how he got the ladies. Especially Trina. Speaking of which...

"And our last judge is the queen bee of Elementary high herself, Trina Riffen!" Sheen introduced.

"Yeah whatever... I mean good luck and junk." She said as her attention was completely on Nick. Why couldn't she just look at me?

"Well now that the introductions are finished, let's start with the first event! Bring in the shots!" Sheen demanded.

In an instant, a couple of dudes appeared and placed seven numbered shots in front of both Konnie and Kon.

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