I didn't want them to take him, I needed to hold him. I needed to tell him I love him. Three members of the unit that showed grabbed me by the arms, whilst the medics held onto Dylan to ensure he wouldn't fall onto the ground. I tried fighting the men, my breath just becoming that of hyperventilation. My head hurt from crying, but I finally held my breath, wiping my face on my shoulder. One paramedic with short spiked brown hair put two fingers on Dylan's wrist, before looking at the other and shaking his head.

I looked down at my shoes, noticing the traces of Dylan's blood on my clothing. It was my fault.

"This is all my fault," I cried out, letting the tears fall onto the cold ground. Morgan gave the signal for the men to let go of me and I couldn't do anything other than stand still.

"Do not blame this on yourself. This was not your fault. You had no idea that -" Morgan started.

"But I did! I knew Wayne was in town, I told Dylan I would protect him. I wasn't there for him and, and, and," I looked at his lifeless body, only to cry more.


The officer who searched the buildings with me basically forced me to ride with him. He said it was against protocol, but he let me sit in the front seat. I had a red blanket wrapped around my body, thanks to the medics. I couldn't stop crying as we rode back to the station.

When we got there, I opened the passenger door quickly and stood up. My vision blacked from standing too fast, but I walked to the front door, blanket almost off of my shoulders. Dylan's parents were waiting, worriedly, in the waiting room of the horrid place. They saw me, and started crying. I looked down at my attire, drenched in the blood of the boy I love, and cried harder, finding my way to a seat and putting my head in my hands.

His mother let out a sniffle, and walked over to me, sitting in a vacant seat. She put her hand on my shoulder and bawled. His dad walked over and put his arm around his wife, sitting in another empty green chair.

"He- he really love... he really loved you," Dylan's mom choked out, her words cracking at the word loved.

I looked up at her with sad eyes. They had lost him, too. Bright headlights shone into the station through the door, followed by a car door slamming shut. A very terrified Brandon came running in, "There are police everywhere at the apartments. They said I-" he stopped talking when he saw me, covered in blood.

"Oh.. Oh, no... He isn't... he can't be... who...?" Brandon asked, fighting back tears. I stood up, looking Brandon in the eyes, "Wayne."

Another car door slammed, but I ignored it as a petite girls frame came into view.

"Wayne was the guy who almost fucking killed him all those times ago in his old city. Wayne is the one who found him again somehow, using you to get closer to Dylan. Wayne, he's gone. He disappeared, and Dylan, Dylan... didn't make it this time," I cried.

The short girl went up to Brandon and hugged him. I knew her as a threat in gym when Dylan hung out with her, but Dylan saw her as Jane. The girl who recently lost her mother to cancer, and had now lost a friend.

Morgan entered the waiting area from a room that had been locked, giving us condolences and asking me to follow him. I wrapped the blanket around my body and went with him into a white room with blue chairs and a desk. A recording device was sat on the desk, and he offered me a seat. I nodded at him and sat, tears streaming down my face.

"I can't go against protocol in the fact that you need to be interviewed. I know you didn't do it, but you seem to know a lot about this Wayne character. I won't record yet, though," he told me.

"I know a lot about his personality, you'd have to ask Brandon about his appearance because I've never actually seen that dickwad," I growled.

"I talked it over with the sheriff, and he told me he wanted me to tell you he is offering  a year-long therapy opportunity. You don't have to go for the full year, you would be going for two days, every week, for as long as you deem necessary, and after that -"


"Son, you just saw a dead body, that has to be very traumatic."

"A dead body?! You know his fucking name.  Sure, he's fucking dead, but you could at least call him by his goddamned name!"

He shifted in his seat, "You saw, Dylan, in a state you probably never thought you would. That's hard on anyone. Therapy would be beneficial to you, and Dylan would probably want you to."

"You don't know a goddamn thing about Dylan," I cried, as he pushed a button on the recording device, "he is... was... the sweetest fucking thing in the entire world. He was innocent, and was treated like shit by Wayne for years because Wayne tricked him."

"What do you mean?"

"Wayne dated Dylan for like, less than a week, and cheated on him with another guy, in front of Dylan! Then, he and his fricken gang of douche's beat him up every day of his life because Wayne told them he was gay. His dad got a job transfer and they moved here, but Wayne found him! How can someone be so cruel to someone because of the fucking gender they like?! I'm not even gay, but Dylan... Dylan was an exception. He made me realize that love doesn't care what you have in your pants, so why the fuck couldn't Wayne?! Dylan deserved the best in the world. He was so innocent and kind-hearted, and it got him killed!" I slammed my fist on the table, sobbing into the crook of my arm where Dylan's emotionless face had lied not even an hour before.

He was dead, because I couldn't protect him, and I would never forgive myself.



The end. I cried so hard writing this entire chapter... But it was my original plan, so I had to stick with it.

Kill me ;~; my heart has been ripped out.

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