Back to the exams

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 After I got my head checked out they told me that I was lucky that the Kuni missed a vital part of my brain, but I could still finish the exams. So thats where we are, at the second part of the exams at the forest of death. when me and Kiba walked to the proctor everyone gasped but I stopped abruptly when I sensed the proctor. I started to shake and Kiba asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't speak I was frozen with fear of HIM. I pointed in the direction I felt his chakra and the proctor asked Kiba "whats wrong with her?Did that Kuni hit something that wasn't suppose to? hahaha" She laughed nervously.  "You are forever nihil consideret et plerumque solus." I then dropped down into a ball when I heard his voice again. Then Kiba cussed 'Dammit, SOMEONE GO GET KAKASHI HATAKE!" I heard kA yell, by then I felt his scaly hands on my skin pulling my hair. "You can't run away my little Angel in darkness" I heard him say with a hiss. I started to scream "STOP IT YOU SNAKE!YOU DONT CONTROL ME ANYMORE!" then he hissed back "Oh but thats quite the lie, I control your sanity my little angel, I can snip it with one touch, or one scratch" I then heard a knife then i felt the cold metel going across my arm spelling "You can never escape the sannin Orochimaru." he said while spelling it. then I heard someone say "Why is her aem bleeding?!" By then Kakashi started to hug me and rock me back and forth, calming me. "Why me?" I started to whisper to him. After a bit I calmed down and got my arm bandaged and we got our forms signed and we got to our gates. When it started I jumped into the air and looked for a earth scroll, when I found one I flew down and stopped infant of three people, one with an evil aura around him. "Hand me the scroll and no one get hurt." I say hovering above the ground with my hand out towards the boy "What Aleda?You can't remember your own 'friends' chakra?" I heard the boys voice and remembered it was Garra. "Oh!Garra sorry I didn't remember, kinda a little... distracted if you can call it." I told him. "Well we got an extra scroll, you can have it." he tossed me the scroll I needed and we ended up walking to the tower together.

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