A New Day

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When i fell into the deep sleep, i then started to dream. I was back in the lab, he was standing next to the table i was strapped to. I started to panic at his sickening smile, pulling at the straps that were on my wrists and ankles. He then took out a needle with some white liquid inside of it. i then started to scream for help, his smile got bigger at my screams as he walked to me. The scenery then abruptly changed into a field with white flowers all around with black roses scattered around me in a circle. It was then when a calming breeze swirled around lifting up my wings as in a invitation to take flight. I then Jumped soaring in to the sky like a bird while everything around me changed. I then noticed a little girl walking down a dirt road, the scenery changed again into a forest in the late afternoon, I saw the little girl agin. Blue hair to her hips, she looked like me.It then clicked that this was me, it was in one of my memories. It was then that HE stepped out of the shadows. " Hello little misss" he said with a hiss, like a snake. I being the nice an naive little girl i was i replied " Hello mr." I said with a chirp in my voice. "Where are your parentss little one?' He asked me. "I don't know them, Im a traveler!! Who are you mr?" i replied with confidence and curiosity. "I am Orochmarru, how about you?" "I don't have a name.' I replied solemnly. " How about you come back with me and i could start to care for you? I could think of a name for you too?" I excitedly ran to him saying thank you repeatedly to him. He then took my hand and guided me to his hideout. Since that day he started to train me into being a ninja. But one day that changed when he introduced me to Kaboto. He then started to experiment on me, one day he took me into the lab again, i thought he was going to teach me how to use medical nin-justu again. He strapped me down and then ejected me with this white stuff in a needle into my back. It was then when two spots on my back started to hurt, i screamed in pain, I arched my back in that state in pain. When I dropped back onto the table I felt two things on my back, he then unstrapped me and i sat up feeling my back,this is how i got my wings. I then woke up gasping sensing a person next to me i lifted my hand and put it on the persons head. I felt dog fur so i started to pet it. The dog then woke up climbing into my lap i stared straight ahead of me, slowly petting the puppy. The boy then awoke to the movement of my body shifting the puppy into my lap. I sensed the boy look at me, shock radiated into his aura when he looked at me. The pup woke up and looked at his master and barked "This lady hands are soft, unlike yours!' the dog barked, I replied to the dog before the boy could. " Why thank you pup." I said. they both looked at me in shock."You can understand him?" he asked me in shock. "Yes i understand all of mothers creations." "what do you mean by mother?" he asked me.

(Kibas POV)

I was confused is to why she said 'Yes, I understand all of mothers creations' so i asked her "What do you mean by mother?" She just turned her head to look towards me, seeing that she was blind and I didn't want to be rude i didn't comment on that she wasn't looking directly at me. " I mean my mother, the one who created all." This confused me more, and i guessed that she sensed this so she just said " This knowledge is beyond you intellect, as well and most all others." I just dropped the subject when she turned her head towards the door. The Hokage steeped in and I bowed in respect to the village leader. " Hello Hokage-Sama" I said in respect " Hello Kiba may I talk to Aleda if you don't mind?" He said it like a question but he's tone said otherwise. " Yes sir." I then turned to Aleda and said " Try not to fall out of the sky again, if you don't mind? I wont be able to catch you this time." I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. She chuckled "No promises Kiba!" She yelled to me when i left. i mumbled to myself when I closed the door, "I swear that girl is too much, even though i just met her." Then it hit me like a pile of bricks " OH NO IM LATE!" Oh I'm so gonna get an ear-full from Irukia-sensi. I thought while i was running to class. when i arrived in class i slammed the door open after the bell rang for class to start three min. before. 'IM HERE!!" I yelled when i jumped into class. Of course sensei isn't there yet "SAFE!" I yelled after seeing that he wasn't in the classroom. " Actually Kiba he left to go find you ya' know?" yelled Choji between his eating. " Well sorry I was busy."I said, then I felt someone behind me. I slowly turned around and found none other that Irukia sensei. " Kiba?" he asked me in a sickly fake sweet voice. "Yes sensei?" I asked nervously. "What was so much more important than school that you couldn't help but be late?" I could tell he was trying to keep his anger in, so he asked me. " Well i was walking Akamarru when this girl the same age as me fell from the sky and she started floating in front of me! Then she ended up in the end passing out and i carried her back into the hospital for the nurses because she ended up jumping out a window." I told him the short story of why I was late. " Kiba?" he asked " Yes?" i replied. " THAT WAS THE STUPIDEST EXCUSE THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD!" He yelled at me. " I swear you can even ask the Hokage! He was there too you know," I told him. " I just might do that." He then told me to sit down at my seat so he could go see the hokage, leaving us to mess around. When he came back, he came back with a new student. He left her outside for the time being so he could inform us. That was when Aleda came into the classroom.

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