Flying then food

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I do not own the song at all, I found it on youtube but if it doesn't work comment and ill try and fix it-katie 


When i woke up to another nightmare/good dream thing, well i don't know what to call my dreams. Well anyway I woke up and I felt kakashi outside the door talking to Gramps.when he came back into my room he asked me "How to you relax Aleda?" i didn't hesitate for one moment "I fly." " How about you go fly? If you think you are fit enough for it of course. I will watch you from the top of the Hokage Tower with the Hokage himself." He told me. I shot up and jumped to his direction, but i accidentally jumped a little too high. "Ouf." I said when I hit the wall behind him. 'Hehehe I guess a was a little too excited?" I asked rubbing the back of my head. "Hehe I guess so." After that he left me to get dressed into something fit for flying. I wore my, I'm guessing, what and gold dress that covered my hands and went over my feet. So after I got ready we went outside and he led the way to the Hokage Tower. We went to the roof so i could get a running start. when we got to the top he stepped back so I had some room. I backed up to the edge and ran, picking up speed I jumped over the edge and fell a bit. i the opened my wings and did a huge flap to shoot me into the clouds. I then shot down and hovered so i could see the whole village. i then flew all around the village, but still making sure that Kakashi could still see me. i started to do a dance in the sky. i began to sing Fallen Angel by three days grace. I was so happy, but i heard clapping from below me when i finished with my song. I looked below me and saw all the villagers stop and look at me, clapping. so I stood an the air and bowed. I then flew back to Kakashi and smelt Gramps with him. "You like the show?" I asked them in a teasing matter because they were clapping at me when I came towards them. I then flew up and fell down a bit and crouched down to put the impact on my whole leg so it wouldn't hurt or injure me. "I really enjoyed it, and I think everyone else didi too." Gramps praised me. "Thank you." I said with a small smile. So we teleported home. I climbed into my bed and pretended to sleep when I heard a knock at the door. kakashi got to the door first. I heard him talking to someone so i went downstairs to see who it was. I then heard a bark and i knew it was Kiba they were in the living room and i knew Kiba didn't know i was there so i put a finger to my lips in a shushing motion. I knew kakashi knew what i meant and Akkamarru was in it to. So I snuck up to kiba and whispered in his ear 'Boo" and he jumped so high! It was so funny I was rolling on the ground laughing at the memory of the thought of what he probably looked like. When he finally calmed down he started to chase me so I ran outside, Kiba still chasing me. "Haha try and get me!" I yelled at Kiba feeling him behind me. "Your really gonna get it!" He yelled at me playfully. I just laughed bobbing and weaving around villagers until everyone made a path everyone watching our little game in amusement. So I ran into the park, i think, and he jumped at me because I slowed down a little bit so not to hit anyone. He just missed me so I went to the swings and jumped onto of the pole and started to stand laughing at Kiba. So i started to walk across the pole but then started to run and then i jumped and did a loop in the air and then landed next to kiba. "You admit defeat Kiba?" I asked him. 'Yeah sure but I'm gonna get you next time." he told me out of breath. "Hey wanna go get something to eat?" He asked me " sure?" i told him. "cool! But i got to stop by my house is that okay?" I didn't mind so I said "Sure, i don't mind." So we walked to his house but stopped at my house first and told kakashi, he didn't mind he just wanted me back by ten. So we went to Kibas' house. when we walked he yelled that he was home and he brought a friend. "Who is this friend?IM opening a girl?!" Im guessing his mother yelled from the kitchen. Then she came into the room we were at and yelled "OH MY! IT IS A GIRL! HANNA COME IN HERE KIBA BROUHT A GIRL HOME!" By then end I was on the ground covering my ears. " Oh sweet whats wrong?" His mother asked me. 'I just have very very sensitive hearing, no harm done.' I told her when i got my hearing back. ' It is a girl!" His sister yelled but a little bit quieter. Then they noticed my wings I'm guessing and gasped. 'And an angel at that." His mom said. " actually I'm technically not an angel.' I stated but they just got confused. " we aren't in heaven are we? I didn't think I was so what I'm saying is that i cant be an angel, but I've heard many times that people call me an angel in darkness so lets just call me that." I told them as politely as I could. 'Why an angel in darkness?" they asked me, Kiba already left to get what he needed and is just coming back. "well you see I'm blind, so thats where in darkness came from but the angel part is because people think I'm an angel, and because I fell out of the sky." I explain. That was when Kiba pulled me outside after we said our goodbyes. On our way to the bbq place we met up with Shikamarru and Choji so we all ate together. They saw our game of chase and made fun of Kiba for losing to a girl to which they both got bumps on there heads from me. Kiba laughed at them but he also got a bump on his head, he glared at me to which I just looked forward and we all busted out laughing. I was so happy but i slipped my food to Choji saying quietly not to tell anyone else that I gave him my food. We walked Kiba home first then Choji and then it was just e and Shika. We walked in a peaceful quiet and then he asked me if I liked watching clouds and I said "I have only seen real could about twice but i love the feel of the clouds on my skin." He agreed that he loved watching clouds, and that he wish that he could be a cloud "I wish I could be a cloud, no worries and just floating though life with no worries in the world.' but I replied "But clouds cry, they get sad, angry, happy,but they can be carefree. Clouds see people weep and they weep with them, so you are wrong, clouds do have worries and concerns. But no one sees that. They watch people get hurt and they wish to help them.' He thought about that for the rest of the walk until we got to my house. "Bye Shika see you tomorrow, I have a surprise for you tomorrow, well mostly the whole class.'

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