We were now heading to Ryan Stoker's room in first class as he mentioned something about a device that could shut them down. "What was that shock just now?" Ciel asked, as we reached the elevator to take us up to first class. A large gush of water burst through towards us, knocking us off our feet. The room went into mass panic as the water doors began closing. "Quick! Hurry up or we'll be locked in." Panicked shouts rang out as we hurried towards it, just as we got through a loud yell came from behind us. Lizzy! She was too far behind she would never make it. Realising this, Ciel rushed and slid under the door. "Snake, Charlotte you go on ahead! Also Snake your friends can't be soaked in cold water for too long, we'll be find we'll escape via the duct." Ciel shouted from the other side of the door. "Smile! Keats will guide you through the duct, we'll meet up later! Says Emily" I watched in shock as Snake threw one of his snakes up. He turned, ready to head out when he noticed I wasn't following. "I made a promise to protect them with my life and that's what I intend to do." I stated, my eyes beginning to glow red. I pressed a finger to my lips, signalling that he had to keep this a secret before disappearing into a sea of black feathers.

They hadn't noticed I was here yet as they were arguing about Lizzy's clothing as they were heavy in the water which could slow them down. "Ciel's right, you know, once you die it's all over." I cut in, wanting nothing more than to get out of here as I was weakened from using my powers. They both looked at me confused "Charlotte, how did you..." I silenced him with a smirk and a finger to my lips. "All that matters now is that I'm here. I promised I would protect you with my life." Despite not being satisfied with my answer, we continued up with the help of Keats. We were soon met with a grate that lead down into a room. Ciel struggled to get it open and as I went to help him, it opened sending his crashing through it, only to land into Sebastian's arms. He helped Lizzy down and then went to help me but I refused the offer and he began to report back the other's safety. I fell as I landed, my body collapsing under exhaustion, causing them all to turn to me. "I told you I would protect them with my life." I stated as he looked at me, confused. "You did, but I didn't think you would have gone that far. Seriously using such an advanced technique when you know yourself you need more practise." Sebastian scolded me, before picking me up off of the floor. Despite my exhaustion, my senses still worked just fine, "Sebastian! Above you!" The ceiling caved in, causing Sebastian to jump back to protect the other two, almost dropping me. "Found you, hottie! It must be fate for us to meet again." An annoying voice that I recognised as Grell Sutcliff shouted, jumping up and down, excitedly. Ronald arrived after and began to remind him about their job. Sebastian saw this as an opportunity to escape only to be stopped by Grell, causing Sebastian to grab the other two leaving me feeling extremely uncomfortable due to the lack of space. He put us down and turned to Grell, "Who is he?" Lizzy asked, unsure about the situation. "He's just a pervert, I'd stay back and away from him, as I am afraid it may be contagious." Sebastian replied, ignoring Grell's outbursts. Due to there fighting, they were oblivious to the window about to break under the pressure of the water. Just as I warned them it was too late and the water for the second time today, split us up from each other, I managed to find Ciel, but Lizzy was too far away from us and more of the corpses were behind her. None of us could do anything as Sebastian was too busy fighting, Ciel had hurt his ankle and his gun was useless and I was exhausted, unable to use my powers here. "I-I wanted you to think of me as cute until the very end." Lizzy stated, a sad smile appearing on her lips. They began to move in on her, surrounding her, a feeling of helplessness engulfed me, Ciel looked on in anguish whilst Sebastian looked annoyed that he too was unable to do anything. "LIZZY!" 

Blood splattered onto the floor, as a sword pierced a corpse's head. I watched in awe as she defeated them, she was finally showing him her true self. "This un-cute appearance, I never wanted to show it to you of all people...but this time, I will definitely protect you." She said, as she defeated the rest before turning her sword to Grell. "My lady, no more. To have forced you to go through so much trouble, I have failed as a butler. I am deeply sorry." Sebastian said, stopping her sword then kneeling in front of her. Ronald showed Grell something and they fled from the scene. Sebastian examined Ciel's ankle and then picked him up, "I'll carry you, if you like." Lizzy appeared at my side, I shook my head and politely refused her offer, letting her help me up instead. "Smile! I'm glad you're all ok, says Emily. I'm sorry but Ryan managed to get way, says Oscar." Snake joined us, casting a hesitant look at me before looking away. I'll have to explain it to him later. 

We met up with Lizzy's brother, Edward at the lifeboats. He tried to get Ciel to get into the lifeboat "Edward, I have a favour to ask of you. Instead of me, let this guy get on." He said, gesturing to Snake. Lizzy looked shocked "Well, if Ciel is staying then I'm also..." Sebastian knocked her unconscious before she could finish "I apologise but it would take too much time to make her understand the danger so I had to be a little rough. I'll take any punishments afterwards." He passed Elizabeth over to Edward. 

"Let's go Sebastian, Charlotte." 

A/N- Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed. The next chapter will be the fifth and final part of the Ship Voyage Arc, I should publish it sometime before Christmas.

~Merry Christmas! ^_^

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